President's Report

President’s Report - August 2022
The club is ticking along well thanks to all the diligence of the activity leaders and management committee.
May I remind you to look at the club’s website from time to time at
It contains all the information about the club that most members need, ranging from weekly activities to the drier constitution, by laws and meeting minutes.
Most commonly used pages for members are:
If you have forgotten your password for the secure pages of the website, you can simply click on the "reset password" in the login window that comes up when you try to open up one of the secure pages.
If you need any help to setup your login to the secure pages of the website please contact Andrew Little.
Remember and enjoy the PROBUS mantra…… Fun, Friendship and Fellowship.
Bain Shenstone President
The club is ticking along well thanks to all the diligence of the activity leaders and management committee.
May I remind you to look at the club’s website from time to time at
It contains all the information about the club that most members need, ranging from weekly activities to the drier constitution, by laws and meeting minutes.
Most commonly used pages for members are:
- Contact details of activity leaders, members, and committee (in secure pages)
- Bank account details (in secure pages)
- List Of Members Who Are JPs (in secure pages)
- Club Constitution, By Laws and Policies (in secure pages)
- General Meeting Minutes (in secure pages)
- Annual Reports (in secure pages)
- Previous Newsletters (in secure pages)
- Financial Reports & Audits
- Activity Calendar containing an up-to-date list of all the scheduled activities available for members (open to public viewing)
- Duty roster information (open to public viewing)
If you have forgotten your password for the secure pages of the website, you can simply click on the "reset password" in the login window that comes up when you try to open up one of the secure pages.
If you need any help to setup your login to the secure pages of the website please contact Andrew Little.
Remember and enjoy the PROBUS mantra…… Fun, Friendship and Fellowship.
Bain Shenstone President
Correspondence In
Correspondence Out
Correspondence Out
Bev Dona
Details of the Probus Member Benefit Scheme are at:
(click on link)
Details of the Probus Member Benefit Scheme are at:
(click on link)
Treasurer's Report
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Just a reminder of our Club policies for attendance at meetings and activities.
- Members are expected to attend a minimum of 10 functions (meetings and/or activities) per Probus year (April to March).
- Visitors may only attend a maximum of 3 functions (meetings and/or activities) per Probus year.
August 2022 Welfare Report
It’s been another month of quite a few members with Covid. Most are on the mend and looking forward to getting back to a “normal Life”, whatever that is these days. Look after each other and take care in the coming months. Mask up if you feel the need and social distance when out, if possible.
If you need any help at all and we can assist you, please don’t hesitate to call us and we will endeavor to help where we can.
Thank you to all those members that are reaching out to others and lending a hand when the need arises. Our Friendship and Fellowship is very much alive. What a great club we have with many strong friendships being formed since our beginning.
Hope to catch up on 24th at our next meeting.
Toni Smith & Ken Smith – Welfare Officers
It’s been another month of quite a few members with Covid. Most are on the mend and looking forward to getting back to a “normal Life”, whatever that is these days. Look after each other and take care in the coming months. Mask up if you feel the need and social distance when out, if possible.
If you need any help at all and we can assist you, please don’t hesitate to call us and we will endeavor to help where we can.
Thank you to all those members that are reaching out to others and lending a hand when the need arises. Our Friendship and Fellowship is very much alive. What a great club we have with many strong friendships being formed since our beginning.
Hope to catch up on 24th at our next meeting.
Toni Smith & Ken Smith – Welfare Officers
Snr Constable Shawn Schussler joined the NSW Police Force 34 years ago, he has been a Detective for 28 years, working in the City, Kings Cross, Major Crime Squad South, Broken Hill, Dubbo SCC Financial Crimes Squad.
Shawn’s work includes Criminal Investigations, NSW Police Fraud and Cybercrime Squad specialities, Investigation into Complex fraud matters, money laundering, and many other things which Shawn can speak to us about. |
Photos - July Meeting
Activities & Leaders
As a result of the sign-up sheets at the Foundation Meeting and expressions of interest on application forms we have set up numerous activities and interest groups.
Club Covid 19 Policy
We have set down a Covid 19 policy for the club. Essentially we will abide by the NSW health guidelines. We ask all members to respect the health and wellbeing of their fellow members, and therefore do not attend activities unless they are fully vaccinated. We have no desire to get into a situation where we need to physically check every attendee to determine their vaccination status. We are relying on the integrity of our members and the fact that they are endangering their friends if they do not abide by this policy.
Newsletter Copy Deadline
Please provide your contributions for the September Newsletter by Friday 23rd September 2022.
Please email to Enio Dona or Bev Davison for activities or direct to Andrew Little for other articles.
Alternatively place directly into Dropbox under WPHD Probus Activities / Activity Newsletter Contributions / Contributions – 2022 09
Please provide your contributions for the September Newsletter by Friday 23rd September 2022.
Please email to Enio Dona or Bev Davison for activities or direct to Andrew Little for other articles.
Alternatively place directly into Dropbox under WPHD Probus Activities / Activity Newsletter Contributions / Contributions – 2022 09
To go to the Activities Calendar - click HERE!
Click on activity to go straight there!
Activity Group | Leaders |
Book Challenge | Sue Calabrese |
Book Club | Bev Davison |
Cards | David Turner |
Cycling | Bruce Bartle |
Day Trips (Bus/Train/Ferry) | Helen Games |
Dining Out | Looking For Monthly Leaders |
Domestic Travel | Max Henderson |
Gardening | Sue Small, Lorenza Powyer |
Golf | Terry Ridge |
Investment Group | David Antonjuk |
Mens Club | Rene Beutler |
Mixed Social Group | Kim Nicholls |
Movies | Sue Small and Lorenza Powyer |
Overseas Travel | Looking For Leader |
Photography | Rob Clarke |
Ten Pin Bowling | Douglas Matthews |
Tennis | Bob Davison |
Theatre and Musicals | Bruce Bartle |
Walking Group | Enio Dona |
Wine & Cheese | Julie Shenstone, Susan Antonjuk |
For an activity group to start, a member needs to step forward to lead the group | |
The club is looking for activity leaders for Bridge, Dining Out and Overseas Travel
Without a leader, we the members, not have an activity. In addition, existing leaders are looking for backup in the case of holidays or sickness. Please consider making a contribution to the club by taking on a roll.
The opportunity for Overseas travel is coming back. Anyone interested in planning and organizing the next trip for the club please contact Enio.
Currently Dining Out is being organized on a rotational basis for one month at a time. Please come and discuss with Enio about taking on this roll for one month.
Without a leader, we the members, not have an activity. In addition, existing leaders are looking for backup in the case of holidays or sickness. Please consider making a contribution to the club by taking on a roll.
The opportunity for Overseas travel is coming back. Anyone interested in planning and organizing the next trip for the club please contact Enio.
Currently Dining Out is being organized on a rotational basis for one month at a time. Please come and discuss with Enio about taking on this roll for one month.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
The THROW COVID challenge. ThroCo runs from March to the end of February – we’ve extended it to a year of Challenge. You can join at any time – just set your challenge from your starting point. Read your own choice of book, post it and enjoy the rundowns of the other readers.
If you wish to join but don’t do Facebook, send me an email and I’ll put it into the page on your behalf.
Since mid-July:
Mixed Fancies by Brenda Blethyn: Brenda Blethyn is an actress, and this is her biography. Part of a family filled with poverty, with nine siblings. She talks about growing up in a tough, frugal family but which included a lot of love. She overcame obstacles and developed in her profession as an actress. Became a bit mundane in the second half.
The House Across the Street by Lesley Pearse: Promised much but failed on delivery. Storyline was simple and predictable, and the narrator’s voice became annoying.
Vanished by Lynda la Plante: This is the third book in the Jack Warr Series. An eccentric elderly widow is being stalked and Detective Jack Warr is the person willing to dig into the truth behind her wild claims. Soon he is embroiled in an international drug operation, art theft and a murder investigation. He must fine the elusive stalker so the truth comes out.
Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens: This will be a popular read as it is also the book club read. A young girl has to fend for herself in the marshes. She goes through many trials and tribulations on her road to becoming an expert on the wetlands. Hard to put this book down according to the reader. It will be interesting to compare to the new movie.
Truths I never Told You by Kelly Rimmer: an interesting read about post-natal depression and how it affected three generations of the one family. Certainly, any kind of depression impacts those around the sufferer.
The Monk who sold his Ferrari by Robin Sharma– thought it would be a quirky story but it was a long drawn out repetitive account of a lawyer getting the ‘meaning of life itself’ with a huge tease of a multi-repeated phrase ‘and when you find out the secret to a good life you will never look back’ – unfortunately after the zillionth time of reading this phrase I thought that life was too short to worry about it and quit half way through.
The Italian Girl by Lucinda Riley: Began this book after the book-fail above. Again, Lucinda Riley’s style is to slip from first person to second person to get the story across. Gives the reader insight but makes it annoying when it slips into 1st person and you know she couldn’t possibly have known all that had just been narrated. About a young, poor Naples girl who has a most beautiful pure voice. A visiting ex-Naples singer hears it and recommends a teacher. He then impregnates her sister and goes back to the life of a gigolo opera singer. Years later Rosanna successfully enters the Milan Opera School, and so the journey to a life of coming under the control of a self-absorbed person is set. Substory 1: her brother, Luca, who wants to be a priest, and one of Rosanna’s friends and unrequited love. Substory 2: Rosanna’s sister faces the harsh reality of falling pregnant, marrying deceitfully and sentencing herself to a life she never wanted. Substory 3: ex-Naples singer becomes big opera star and comes under the thumb of an extremely rich woman, who along with her husband, cheat a little church out of a fortune with a shonky art deal.
Sue Calabrese
Leader: Sue Calabrese
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
The THROW COVID challenge. ThroCo runs from March to the end of February – we’ve extended it to a year of Challenge. You can join at any time – just set your challenge from your starting point. Read your own choice of book, post it and enjoy the rundowns of the other readers.
If you wish to join but don’t do Facebook, send me an email and I’ll put it into the page on your behalf.
Since mid-July:
Mixed Fancies by Brenda Blethyn: Brenda Blethyn is an actress, and this is her biography. Part of a family filled with poverty, with nine siblings. She talks about growing up in a tough, frugal family but which included a lot of love. She overcame obstacles and developed in her profession as an actress. Became a bit mundane in the second half.
The House Across the Street by Lesley Pearse: Promised much but failed on delivery. Storyline was simple and predictable, and the narrator’s voice became annoying.
Vanished by Lynda la Plante: This is the third book in the Jack Warr Series. An eccentric elderly widow is being stalked and Detective Jack Warr is the person willing to dig into the truth behind her wild claims. Soon he is embroiled in an international drug operation, art theft and a murder investigation. He must fine the elusive stalker so the truth comes out.
Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens: This will be a popular read as it is also the book club read. A young girl has to fend for herself in the marshes. She goes through many trials and tribulations on her road to becoming an expert on the wetlands. Hard to put this book down according to the reader. It will be interesting to compare to the new movie.
Truths I never Told You by Kelly Rimmer: an interesting read about post-natal depression and how it affected three generations of the one family. Certainly, any kind of depression impacts those around the sufferer.
The Monk who sold his Ferrari by Robin Sharma– thought it would be a quirky story but it was a long drawn out repetitive account of a lawyer getting the ‘meaning of life itself’ with a huge tease of a multi-repeated phrase ‘and when you find out the secret to a good life you will never look back’ – unfortunately after the zillionth time of reading this phrase I thought that life was too short to worry about it and quit half way through.
The Italian Girl by Lucinda Riley: Began this book after the book-fail above. Again, Lucinda Riley’s style is to slip from first person to second person to get the story across. Gives the reader insight but makes it annoying when it slips into 1st person and you know she couldn’t possibly have known all that had just been narrated. About a young, poor Naples girl who has a most beautiful pure voice. A visiting ex-Naples singer hears it and recommends a teacher. He then impregnates her sister and goes back to the life of a gigolo opera singer. Years later Rosanna successfully enters the Milan Opera School, and so the journey to a life of coming under the control of a self-absorbed person is set. Substory 1: her brother, Luca, who wants to be a priest, and one of Rosanna’s friends and unrequited love. Substory 2: Rosanna’s sister faces the harsh reality of falling pregnant, marrying deceitfully and sentencing herself to a life she never wanted. Substory 3: ex-Naples singer becomes big opera star and comes under the thumb of an extremely rich woman, who along with her husband, cheat a little church out of a fortune with a shonky art deal.
Sue Calabrese
Leader: Sue Calabrese

Book Club Report - August 2022
We are currently reading Where the crawdads sing by Delia Owens. I also think some of the group have seen the movie and it will be interesting to hear what they thought of it in comparison to the book. Our next meeting will be on Thursday 1st September.
Happy reading
Leader - Bev Davison
We are currently reading Where the crawdads sing by Delia Owens. I also think some of the group have seen the movie and it will be interesting to hear what they thought of it in comparison to the book. Our next meeting will be on Thursday 1st September.
Happy reading
Leader - Bev Davison

Cards 500 Report for August 2022
Our next card night will be held at the Dural Country Club on Friday 26th August.
An email will be sent out to the card interest group about a week prior with details for dinner and the card night.
Looking forward to seeing everyone.
David Turner
Leader - David Turner
Our next card night will be held at the Dural Country Club on Friday 26th August.
An email will be sent out to the card interest group about a week prior with details for dinner and the card night.
Looking forward to seeing everyone.
David Turner
Leader - David Turner

Cycling Group: August 2022
Hi Cyclists
A very pleasant ride around Iron Cove on Wednesday 10th August. Weather stayed fine for us. A welcome coffee stop at Livvi’s Café to finish off the morning.
Our next outing is planned for Wednesday 14th September. A longer ride this time! We will ride from Gosford along the side of Brisbane Waters to Woy Woy where we will enjoy a coffee and a snack, then return the same way. There is some great scenery along the way. The ride is all on cycle paths. Its mostly flat with just a few uphill climbs.
Lets plan to meet at Cherrybrook Community Centre Car Park at 9AM. We can car share.
How about dusting off your bike, pumping up the tyres and having a practice ride? If anyone needs a bit of help to get their bike back to roadworthy, let me know and I’ll be pleased to lend a hand.
Please bring water, helmet and sunscreen. Please advise me by Wednesday 7th September if you will be joining the ride.
Tony Coote
Leader - Tony Coote
Hi Cyclists
A very pleasant ride around Iron Cove on Wednesday 10th August. Weather stayed fine for us. A welcome coffee stop at Livvi’s Café to finish off the morning.
Our next outing is planned for Wednesday 14th September. A longer ride this time! We will ride from Gosford along the side of Brisbane Waters to Woy Woy where we will enjoy a coffee and a snack, then return the same way. There is some great scenery along the way. The ride is all on cycle paths. Its mostly flat with just a few uphill climbs.
Lets plan to meet at Cherrybrook Community Centre Car Park at 9AM. We can car share.
How about dusting off your bike, pumping up the tyres and having a practice ride? If anyone needs a bit of help to get their bike back to roadworthy, let me know and I’ll be pleased to lend a hand.
Please bring water, helmet and sunscreen. Please advise me by Wednesday 7th September if you will be joining the ride.
Tony Coote
Leader - Tony Coote
Day Out for August
NHSA Naval History Society - 3 Hour Cruise Friday - 26th August

Meet: King Street Wharf, Darling Harbour
Time: 09:30am
Cost: $65
Transport: I will be meeting at the entrance to Castle Hill Metro at 8:15am, take the Metro to Chatswood and then the train to Wynyard and walk to King Street Wharf.
I have reserved 20 places & currently have 17 attending.
If you would like to attend, please contact Helen ASAP.
Further details can be found on
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on events. Look for Friday 26th August.
Helen Games
Time: 09:30am
Cost: $65
Transport: I will be meeting at the entrance to Castle Hill Metro at 8:15am, take the Metro to Chatswood and then the train to Wynyard and walk to King Street Wharf.
I have reserved 20 places & currently have 17 attending.
If you would like to attend, please contact Helen ASAP.
Further details can be found on
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on events. Look for Friday 26th August.
Helen Games
State Theatre Tour Thursday 22nd September 10.00am

Details to follow.
Leader - Helen Games
Italian Winter Feast - At Sirculo Thursday 4th August 2022 - 7PM
The Italian Winter Feast at the Sirculo Restaurant Dural on Thurday 4th August offered us a warm fire, mulled wine and delicious food cooked by multi hatted chef Avik Kanjilal. Josh Sama ,was helpful and informative and made an excellent host. A great night at a local restaurant.
Leader - Looking For Monthly Leaders
Orange - Sunday 6 to Wednesday 9 November 2022
As previously advised our priority was to secure our accommodation, currently essential with the added demand, now that we can travel again post COVID restrictions.
We initially set a maximum of thirty for this trip. Now that we have firmed up our evening meals and activity options we increased this to thirty two, to include those on standby.
We have made reservations at the “Mercure Orange” 94 Byng St, Orange, located in the heart of the CBD near shopping options and adjoining the modern Orange Ex-Services' Club complex, which includes the Diggers Brasserie.
Thank you for paying your deposits and providing your respective room selection as shown below:
We initially set a maximum of thirty for this trip. Now that we have firmed up our evening meals and activity options we increased this to thirty two, to include those on standby.
We have made reservations at the “Mercure Orange” 94 Byng St, Orange, located in the heart of the CBD near shopping options and adjoining the modern Orange Ex-Services' Club complex, which includes the Diggers Brasserie.
Thank you for paying your deposits and providing your respective room selection as shown below:
Accommodation balances are $394.00 (Queen or Twin) or $424.00 (King). We have now also booked a bus for Monday afternoon and evening the apportioned cost of which is $60.00pp ($120.00pc). Combined balances payable $514.00pc and $544.00pc respectively, or for those staying with family $120.00 (bus only).
All payments should be paid into the club’s Activities Account before the end of September and identified with your Surname & Orange.
Evening Meals
We have booked the following:
Regardless, of what you elect to do during the day we should all come together as one group for the evening meals. We would also like everyone on the bus tour. After that how little or much you do is entirely up to you.
Accommodation balances are $394.00 (Queen or Twin) or $424.00 (King). We have now also booked a bus for Monday afternoon and evening the apportioned cost of which is $60.00pp ($120.00pc). Combined balances payable $514.00pc and $544.00pc respectively, or for those staying with family $120.00 (bus only).
All payments should be paid into the club’s Activities Account before the end of September and identified with your Surname & Orange.
Evening Meals
We have booked the following:
- Sunday; Orange Ex Services Club, 231-243 Anson St, Orange (6.30pm). Next to or motel.
- Monday; Royal Hotel, 45 Kiewa St, Manildra (6.00pm)
- Tuesday; Lord Anson Hotel, 224 Anson St, Orange (6.30pm)
Regardless, of what you elect to do during the day we should all come together as one group for the evening meals. We would also like everyone on the bus tour. After that how little or much you do is entirely up to you.
With the assistance of Kim and Ian, we have made considerable progress on this front, including making reservations for our evening meals and theatre night.
Orange, is characterised by beautiful tree-lined streets, charming houses dating to the early twentieth century and outstanding public parks. It is a substantial and sophisticated rural service centre which lies at the heart of some of New South Wales' richest and most bountiful agricultural land. The city is known for its excellent local produce, its impressive vineyards and its fine dining restaurants. It is also known for its impressive autumn colours and bitterly cold winters.
Orange, is characterised by beautiful tree-lined streets, charming houses dating to the early twentieth century and outstanding public parks. It is a substantial and sophisticated rural service centre which lies at the heart of some of New South Wales' richest and most bountiful agricultural land. The city is known for its excellent local produce, its impressive vineyards and its fine dining restaurants. It is also known for its impressive autumn colours and bitterly cold winters.
Sunday, getting there:
Drive to Lithgow and then take the Great Western Hwy (GWH) to Orange
Two alternatives to Lithgow from home
Almost 2.0 hours and 130km prior to any detours.
Almost 2.0 hours and 120km prior to any detours.
Then it’s Lithgow, via Bathurst to Orange
Bathurst is a city of contrasts with heritage listed buildings, world class museums and Mount Panorama, one of the world's best motor racing circuits.
Another option is the historic town of Milthorpe a beautiful heritage-listed village with acclaimed restaurants, cool climate wineries and fascinating history perfectly situated in the rich pastoral hills of the Orange region.
(This is also an option for Tuesday and is about 24km south-west of Orange.)
About 1.75 hours and 120km prior to any detours, add 5km if you drive into Milthorpe.
Drive to Lithgow and then take the Great Western Hwy (GWH) to Orange
Two alternatives to Lithgow from home
- Alternative 1: Via Penrith, Katoomba and Blackheath to Lithgow
Almost 2.0 hours and 130km prior to any detours.
- Alternative 2: Via Richmond, Kurrajong and Mount Tomah to Lithgow
Almost 2.0 hours and 120km prior to any detours.
Then it’s Lithgow, via Bathurst to Orange
Bathurst is a city of contrasts with heritage listed buildings, world class museums and Mount Panorama, one of the world's best motor racing circuits.
Another option is the historic town of Milthorpe a beautiful heritage-listed village with acclaimed restaurants, cool climate wineries and fascinating history perfectly situated in the rich pastoral hills of the Orange region.
(This is also an option for Tuesday and is about 24km south-west of Orange.)
About 1.75 hours and 120km prior to any detours, add 5km if you drive into Milthorpe.
Monday, a leisurely morning walk followed by a local bus tour, a country pub for dinner and a fun evening at an Art Deco theatre.
Starting from our motel the walk is up Byng Street, across to Cooks Park and down Kite Street with a few deviations, before returning to our motel.
Cook Park, also known as The Orange Botanic Gardens is a heritage-listed 4-hectare urban park.
It includes Emmaville Cottage (open from 9.00am - 4.00pm) with connections to Banjo Paterson. It was relocated to the Gardens and is a tangible link to a period more than 150 years ago.
After which you could enjoy some leisure time shopping in the city centre and have lunch at one of the many cafes. Alternatively visit one of the many local attractions.
Molong, is a gorgeous historic village known for its grand colonial buildings and rich agricultural produce tucked into the rolling green hills of the Macquarie Ranges. Enjoy its heritage-listed main street and its architecture, coloured with vibrant local galleries and boutiques.
Amusu Theatre & Movie Poster Museum is situated in the small town of Manildra and is Australia's oldest operational picture theatre, being a 1930's Art Deco Theatre featuring many of the original fixtures.
We have booked the Royal Hotel 6.00pm for dinner (very basis group menu) and the Amusu Theatre and Movie Posture Museum, (optional museum after 7.00pm) and theatre 7.30pm for a fun night at the movies and to reminisce our younger days. Cost of the theatre is $15.00pp, payable at the venue.
Apart the safety of a bus as opposed to driving on unfamiliar country roads, including at night, it also provides a wonderful opportunity for fellowship.
- 9.00am The Orange Heritage Walking Trail, from our motel
Starting from our motel the walk is up Byng Street, across to Cooks Park and down Kite Street with a few deviations, before returning to our motel.
Cook Park, also known as The Orange Botanic Gardens is a heritage-listed 4-hectare urban park.
It includes Emmaville Cottage (open from 9.00am - 4.00pm) with connections to Banjo Paterson. It was relocated to the Gardens and is a tangible link to a period more than 150 years ago.
After which you could enjoy some leisure time shopping in the city centre and have lunch at one of the many cafes. Alternatively visit one of the many local attractions.
- 2.30pm Bus departs our motel for a fun afternoon and evening that includes:
Molong, is a gorgeous historic village known for its grand colonial buildings and rich agricultural produce tucked into the rolling green hills of the Macquarie Ranges. Enjoy its heritage-listed main street and its architecture, coloured with vibrant local galleries and boutiques.
Amusu Theatre & Movie Poster Museum is situated in the small town of Manildra and is Australia's oldest operational picture theatre, being a 1930's Art Deco Theatre featuring many of the original fixtures.
We have booked the Royal Hotel 6.00pm for dinner (very basis group menu) and the Amusu Theatre and Movie Posture Museum, (optional museum after 7.00pm) and theatre 7.30pm for a fun night at the movies and to reminisce our younger days. Cost of the theatre is $15.00pp, payable at the venue.
Apart the safety of a bus as opposed to driving on unfamiliar country roads, including at night, it also provides a wonderful opportunity for fellowship.
Tuesday, a day of leisure or you could visit Ophir and Duntryleague in the morning. Then maybe Milthorpe, Lake Conobolas, Mount Conobolas and/or a winery or two.
The main attraction at Ophir is the 560 ha Historic Ophir Reserve which apart from walking tracks includes numerous relics and the old cemetery.
Duntryleague, (Woodward St Orange) by any measure this is an extraordinary building. It was built in 1876 for the hugely successful local businessman, James Dalton. Dalton died in 1919 and sixteen years later Duntryleague became the Duntryleague Golf Course. Could be a “fashionable” lunch option.
Milthorpe, another option, refer to “Sunday; getting there” for details.
Lake Conobolas is at the foothills of Mount Conobolas this pristine lake is a haven for birds and native wildlife with a circular cycle/ walking track and a bakehouse kiosk. Situated about 10 kilometres southwest of Orange.
Mount Canobolas is an extinct volcano and the highest mountain in the region. The view from the 1395m peak is worth the short drive from town through orchards and vineyards via Lake Conobolas. Situated about 13 kilometres southwest of Orange.
Whilst there are many wineries, two that are open on a Tuesday include:
Wednesday, returning home
Once you get back to Lithgow you have the same two options as detailed in “getting there”, either the GWH or Bells Line of Road.
However if time permits detour off the GWH at Bathurst (east side) to:
Mayfield Garden, near Oberon is Australia’s largest privately-owned, cool climate garden; Mayfield is a living legacy of the Hawkins family who took their inspiration from the best gardens in Europe. Beautiful in every season with pathways designed to be explored and so many nooks-and-crannies to discover.
- 9.00am meet outside our motel for a short tourist drive to:
The main attraction at Ophir is the 560 ha Historic Ophir Reserve which apart from walking tracks includes numerous relics and the old cemetery.
Duntryleague, (Woodward St Orange) by any measure this is an extraordinary building. It was built in 1876 for the hugely successful local businessman, James Dalton. Dalton died in 1919 and sixteen years later Duntryleague became the Duntryleague Golf Course. Could be a “fashionable” lunch option.
Milthorpe, another option, refer to “Sunday; getting there” for details.
Lake Conobolas is at the foothills of Mount Conobolas this pristine lake is a haven for birds and native wildlife with a circular cycle/ walking track and a bakehouse kiosk. Situated about 10 kilometres southwest of Orange.
Mount Canobolas is an extinct volcano and the highest mountain in the region. The view from the 1395m peak is worth the short drive from town through orchards and vineyards via Lake Conobolas. Situated about 13 kilometres southwest of Orange.
Whilst there are many wineries, two that are open on a Tuesday include:
- Heifer Station Wines, a small family owned and operated single vineyard tasting room in one of Oranges most picturesque areas. Set in a turn of the century, historic sheep shearing shed on rolling volcanic terroir. There is also a little 'funny farm' for the little (and Big) kids to enjoy.
- Swinging Bridge Wines, from its lofty position on the slopes of Orange with a commanding view of Mount Canobolas, this family-owned estate is at the forefront of the new guard of premium, cool-climate winemaking, producing a range of elegant, handcrafted wines that specialise in premium Chardonnay and Pinot Noir as well as experimental wines.
Wednesday, returning home
Once you get back to Lithgow you have the same two options as detailed in “getting there”, either the GWH or Bells Line of Road.
However if time permits detour off the GWH at Bathurst (east side) to:
Mayfield Garden, near Oberon is Australia’s largest privately-owned, cool climate garden; Mayfield is a living legacy of the Hawkins family who took their inspiration from the best gardens in Europe. Beautiful in every season with pathways designed to be explored and so many nooks-and-crannies to discover.
To visit Mayfield you can add about 30km to your trip, after which you can return to the GWH at Little Hartley. If you prefer Bells Line of Road you can turn off at Blackheath and take the link road to Bell and Bells Line of Road.
Except for the stated accommodation costs, it is usually best if all other costs, e.g. breakfasts, lunches, dinners and all activities are paid for separately by the participants, this includes the Amusu Theatre $15.00pp.
However, for this trip we have also booked a bus for Monday afternoon and evening, refer payments.
Any suggestions or questions please give me a call.
Apart from traditional maps, try your GPS (car or mobile), or the following links:’
Except for the stated accommodation costs, it is usually best if all other costs, e.g. breakfasts, lunches, dinners and all activities are paid for separately by the participants, this includes the Amusu Theatre $15.00pp.
However, for this trip we have also booked a bus for Monday afternoon and evening, refer payments.
Any suggestions or questions please give me a call.
Apart from traditional maps, try your GPS (car or mobile), or the following links:’
Leader - Max Henderson
This month had a we all enjoyed a nice, tasty brunch / morning tea at Herb and Roses in Dural. Following our long catch up over brunch we had a relaxing meander around the gardens and had the chance to pick up: packets of seeds, punnets of seedling as well as mature plants ready for spring planting.
Our next gardening group day will be on Thursday 14 September. Please let Sue Small known if you’d like to be added to the Gardening group email list to be kept updated on Gardening group activities.
Our next gardening group day will be on Thursday 14 September. Please let Sue Small known if you’d like to be added to the Gardening group email list to be kept updated on Gardening group activities.
Reminder for Residents of the Hills Shire- please see a copy of the Council details regarding the allocation of free trees, Please see copy of Council’s email below-:
Leaders - Sue Small, Lorenza Powyer

Golf Report August 2022
The Bunker News
This month was at Cumberland Country Club, the day well attended with 7 members playing 18 holes and 2 playing nine. The course has several par 5 holes and only a few par threes. The course is 6500 meters long plus added meterage for way wood drives can make for long walk for the unfit. The day was sunny and enjoyable, the players enjoyed a light lunch afterwards.
Our next game is planned for the first Friday of the month August 02/09, 2022. Gordon Golf Club for Friday 02/09/2022 teeing off at 8:00am and 10:00am
I have confirmed bookings for the following courses:
October 2022:
Windsor Country Club for Friday 07/10/2022 teeing off at 08:41am and 10:05am. Costs are 18H $24.00 and 9H $18.00. Carts costs are being confirmed.
Emails will be sent out for player acceptance so please add to your calendar.

Yours in Fun, Fellowship & Friendship
Terry Ridge.
WPH&D Probus Inc - Golf Coordinator
PS. Count the golf balls in this newsletter to win a Golf Ball. First to reply, wins.
For all those golfers with back problems......
Leader - Terry Ridge

MEN'S CLUB - August
It was a good turnout at the Scout hall 3 weeks ago with our ScaleXtric racing and I would like to thank Bruce Bartle for his time in setting up the race course. It was great fun and brought back memories for me also.
Our next gathering will be at Dural Country Club on Thursday 1 st September
for our “Snooker Challenge”. Meet at 1.30pm for a beer then a few games of Snooker.
Cheers, René.
Leader - Rene Beutler

MOVIE GROUP - August 2022
At our August Movie Day we enjoyed a variety of movies – eg:
Where the Crawdads Sing, Elvis, Finding Figaro
At our August Movie Day we enjoyed a variety of movies – eg:
Where the Crawdads Sing, Elvis, Finding Figaro
Following our movies we all enjoyed a tasty (healthy) lunch and long, enjoyable catch up at Cosmo Café.
Our Next Movie Group Day will be on 6 September.
Unfortunately, the movie sessions and screening times are not yet available for September.
Please let Sue Small know if you’d like to be added to the Movie Group email list to be kept updated on movie dates and sessions.
Unfortunately, the movie sessions and screening times are not yet available for September.
Please let Sue Small know if you’d like to be added to the Movie Group email list to be kept updated on movie dates and sessions.
Leaders – Lorenza Powyer & Sue Small
Probus Photography Group July Report
July Photography Meeting
August Photography Meeting
Our August photography meeting will be held on Wednesday the 17th at the Clarke’s residence at 7:30pm. At the meeting we will review the images taken at the Fish Market and the images for the month’s challenge which is macro / close up images (refer later in this report).
There will also be a short presentation on depth of field and how this is used in photography.
Image of the Month
Each month we have a topic, and last month it was travel photography. As we haven’t had our meeting for August, we don’t have an image of the month that goes onto the Photography Facebook banner. Jeanette’s look of surprise with the bubble will remain in place for another week or two.
On August 6th, eighteen off us ventured to the Fish markets by the train to central then by tram to the markets. The range and quantity of fish at the markets was amazing and the images taken from the day are excellent. We all enjoyed some fish for lunch although the service was very slow in some of the restaurants due to Covid staff shortages.
On August 6th, eighteen off us ventured to the Fish markets by the train to central then by tram to the markets. The range and quantity of fish at the markets was amazing and the images taken from the day are excellent. We all enjoyed some fish for lunch although the service was very slow in some of the restaurants due to Covid staff shortages.
January: 3 Day Outing to the Taralga Rodeo
The Taralga Rodeo will be held in late January and is very popular for photographers as it is the only one where you can get close to the fence.
Taralga is a very small town with limited accommodation. Two adjacent buildings were available for a 3 night stay so an expression of interest to the photographers was sent out, it was a first in to secure a spot. Wthin 3 hours we had 20 interested people. Fortunately, we were able to find additional accommodation so we can all go. Unfortunately, we can’t add to this number.
The rodeo was cancelled in 2021 and 2022 let’s hope nothing stops this year’s rodeo.
The Taralga Rodeo will be held in late January and is very popular for photographers as it is the only one where you can get close to the fence.
Taralga is a very small town with limited accommodation. Two adjacent buildings were available for a 3 night stay so an expression of interest to the photographers was sent out, it was a first in to secure a spot. Wthin 3 hours we had 20 interested people. Fortunately, we were able to find additional accommodation so we can all go. Unfortunately, we can’t add to this number.
The rodeo was cancelled in 2021 and 2022 let’s hope nothing stops this year’s rodeo.
Some images taken by international photographers at the rodeo are above.
To take images like this requires practice, we will be discussing how these images are taken at one of our meetings before we go. A first point to observe is that the background is almost non-existent. This can be done in camera and through post processing in photoshop.
All the images above are enhanced through photoshop.
Very close to the Taralga (10 km) is Mares Forest Park that has a fantastic canyon. So far, we haven’t been lucky getting to the canyons, let’s hope we can on this trip.
The following image is one taken in the canyon at Mares forest.
To take images like this requires practice, we will be discussing how these images are taken at one of our meetings before we go. A first point to observe is that the background is almost non-existent. This can be done in camera and through post processing in photoshop.
All the images above are enhanced through photoshop.
Very close to the Taralga (10 km) is Mares Forest Park that has a fantastic canyon. So far, we haven’t been lucky getting to the canyons, let’s hope we can on this trip.
The following image is one taken in the canyon at Mares forest.
August Photography Challenge: Macro / Close up
For this month’s meeting the challenge is close up / macro.
Please submit two items in the Facebook folder “Macro Close Ups” for review at our next meeting. Some images from the Fish Market are great macro / close up images.
For this month’s meeting the challenge is close up / macro.
Please submit two items in the Facebook folder “Macro Close Ups” for review at our next meeting. Some images from the Fish Market are great macro / close up images.
Photoshop Training and Review.
Photoshop Workshops
Photoshop is a very powerful tool that enhances images, it is used by professionals and very keen armatures.
We have four members who now meet twice a month to discuss photoshop and the tools. Last month we looked at layers and simple masks. Our next workshop will be on selections. If you are very keen to join this group please give me a call, photoshop will need to loaded onto your laptop ($15 per month subscription to Adobe) to attend these sessions.
Facebook Page
Our photography group has a Facebook page, all members are welcome to subscribe to this website and view the images posted by our members.
The link is:
To have access go into the link and request access.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be on Wednesday August 17th at the Clarke’s residence at 7:30pm. Meetings are always scheduled for the third Wednesday of each month.
Rob Clarke
Activity Coordinator
Photoshop Workshops
Photoshop is a very powerful tool that enhances images, it is used by professionals and very keen armatures.
We have four members who now meet twice a month to discuss photoshop and the tools. Last month we looked at layers and simple masks. Our next workshop will be on selections. If you are very keen to join this group please give me a call, photoshop will need to loaded onto your laptop ($15 per month subscription to Adobe) to attend these sessions.
Facebook Page
Our photography group has a Facebook page, all members are welcome to subscribe to this website and view the images posted by our members.
The link is:
To have access go into the link and request access.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be on Wednesday August 17th at the Clarke’s residence at 7:30pm. Meetings are always scheduled for the third Wednesday of each month.
Rob Clarke
Activity Coordinator
Leaders - Rob Clarke & Bain Shenstone

The next Ten Pin Bowling activity will take place on Friday morning, 19 August.
A text will be sent to all members who have previously expressed an interest in participating outlining details. Only those wishing to play need to respond.
Any member who would like to be added to the list can do so by contacting me on my mobile.
Leader - Doug Matthews

Tennis Group Report- August 2022
It been good to have a couple of games lately and get back into the swing of things. We have been playing pretty well considering.
We meet on Monday & Wednesday @ 9.00am at Hasting Park Tennis Complex, 44 Belltree Crescent, Castle Hill.
If you are interested in joining us, please give me a call.
Leader - Bob Davison

Live Theatre August 2022
Following a review of interest sheets from our last regular meeting, we have decided that our next Theatre party will be to Willoughby Theatre Company’s production of Mama Mia at The Concourse Theatre Chatswood on Wednesday 12 October at 7:30PM. Willoughby Theatre Company is one of Sydney’s leading amateur societies with tickets good value at $56.50 each in a great venue!!
We have reserved 40 seats that evening. There will be no formalised transport to this show however, there is plenty of parking near the venue and is well serviced by The Metro to nearby Chatswood station. Further details and possible dining options will follow.
It’s the smash hit musical based on the chart-topping songs of Abba that has played in more than 50 countries in all 6 continents to more than 60 million people, and now for the first time it’s coming to Sydney’s North Shore.
Mamma Mia! features all the Swedish super groups hits such as “Knowing Me, Knowing You”, “Thank You for the Music”, “Money Money Money”, “The Winner Takes It All” and the title track.
So if you’re a “Super Trouper” “Dancing Queen”, then secure your seat to take a chance on a trip to “Waterloo” in what is set to be another spectacular production on The Concourse stage.
We will require your payment no later than Friday,9 September 2022 to finalise our group booking!!
Tickets are on a first in first served basis.
Payment Details:
Stay safe,
Bruce Bartle
Activities Co-ordinator Live Theatre WPH & District Probus Club
Following a review of interest sheets from our last regular meeting, we have decided that our next Theatre party will be to Willoughby Theatre Company’s production of Mama Mia at The Concourse Theatre Chatswood on Wednesday 12 October at 7:30PM. Willoughby Theatre Company is one of Sydney’s leading amateur societies with tickets good value at $56.50 each in a great venue!!
We have reserved 40 seats that evening. There will be no formalised transport to this show however, there is plenty of parking near the venue and is well serviced by The Metro to nearby Chatswood station. Further details and possible dining options will follow.
It’s the smash hit musical based on the chart-topping songs of Abba that has played in more than 50 countries in all 6 continents to more than 60 million people, and now for the first time it’s coming to Sydney’s North Shore.
Mamma Mia! features all the Swedish super groups hits such as “Knowing Me, Knowing You”, “Thank You for the Music”, “Money Money Money”, “The Winner Takes It All” and the title track.
So if you’re a “Super Trouper” “Dancing Queen”, then secure your seat to take a chance on a trip to “Waterloo” in what is set to be another spectacular production on The Concourse stage.
We will require your payment no later than Friday,9 September 2022 to finalise our group booking!!
Tickets are on a first in first served basis.
Payment Details:
Stay safe,
Bruce Bartle
Activities Co-ordinator Live Theatre WPH & District Probus Club
Leader - Bruce Bartle

Walking - August 2022
Great walk held this month along the Heritage Trail at Baulkham Hills with 18 members walking the 6.4km along Toongabbie Creek and amongst Turpentine Ironback Forest.
Next walk to be held Tuesday 13th September, Please book it into your calendar. Location TBA, and leader TBA.
Many thanks to all those members for supporting this activity.
Next walk to be held Tuesday 13th September, Please book it into your calendar. Location TBA, and leader TBA.
Many thanks to all those members for supporting this activity.
Leader - Enio Dona

Wine & Cheese August 2022
Robyn and Bruce Bartle hosted the Wine & Cheese night on 12th August. We had a wonderful attendance of 30 people despite the chilly weather. Lots of delicious hot food and sweet delights kept us all well fed for the evening.
Robyn and Bruce Bartle hosted the Wine & Cheese night on 12th August. We had a wonderful attendance of 30 people despite the chilly weather. Lots of delicious hot food and sweet delights kept us all well fed for the evening.
Leader Julie Shenstone & Susan Antonjuk
The Club Newsletter is for the private and confidential use of Club members and is not to be used for any other purpose. Approval for any form of advertising or promotion not directly related to club activities or general club information must be granted by the club committee.
The Club Newsletter is for the private and confidential use of Club members and is not to be used for any other purpose. Approval for any form of advertising or promotion not directly related to club activities or general club information must be granted by the club committee.
Newsletter Editor: Andrew Little