President's Report

President’s Report - July
Here we go again. Stuck in Lockdown. Who could have foreseen this situation going back eighteen months? There does not appear to be an end in sight, and that means we are almost prisoners in our own home for some time to come. This is a very difficult time.
I would like to appeal to all members to think about how they could cheer up a fellow member. If every one of us made at least three phone calls per week to other Club members, then at least that may go some way towards relieving the tedium for both the call-maker and the call-taker. Think about the Probus values of friendship, fellowship and fun. Make a couple of phone calls and speak to your friends. Don’t just assume that a certain person is OK. Ring them to find out. Three calls per week is not a difficult. In fact, why not make it six?
So it looks like we are back to Zoom meetings once again. Toni Smith has been busy on the telephone trying to arrange speakers who are prepared to join us in a Zoom meeting. Andrew Little is doing his usual fantastic job of producing the Newsletter. It looks like this will have to be our two major means of communication in coming months.
Bob Carritt President
Here we go again. Stuck in Lockdown. Who could have foreseen this situation going back eighteen months? There does not appear to be an end in sight, and that means we are almost prisoners in our own home for some time to come. This is a very difficult time.
I would like to appeal to all members to think about how they could cheer up a fellow member. If every one of us made at least three phone calls per week to other Club members, then at least that may go some way towards relieving the tedium for both the call-maker and the call-taker. Think about the Probus values of friendship, fellowship and fun. Make a couple of phone calls and speak to your friends. Don’t just assume that a certain person is OK. Ring them to find out. Three calls per week is not a difficult. In fact, why not make it six?
So it looks like we are back to Zoom meetings once again. Toni Smith has been busy on the telephone trying to arrange speakers who are prepared to join us in a Zoom meeting. Andrew Little is doing his usual fantastic job of producing the Newsletter. It looks like this will have to be our two major means of communication in coming months.
Bob Carritt President
Correspondence In
Certificate of Currency for Probus insurance from PSPL
Email from Abigail Walker, PSPL, re promotion of Probus Day through The Hills Shire Council.
Email with web links attached of virtual historical tours from Uli Holmes, Parramatta Tourism Office. I can forward these onto any interested members.
Correspondence Out
Certificate of Currency for Probus insurance from PSPL
Email from Abigail Walker, PSPL, re promotion of Probus Day through The Hills Shire Council.
Email with web links attached of virtual historical tours from Uli Holmes, Parramatta Tourism Office. I can forward these onto any interested members.
Correspondence Out
Bev Dona
Details of the Probus Member Benefit Scheme are at:
(click on link)
Details of the Probus Member Benefit Scheme are at:
(click on link)
TREASURER’S REPORT For the Month of June 2021
Opening cash balance 1st June 2021 $3750.31
Interest 0.04
Deposits 168.00 Membership fees
210.00 Joining fees
Expenses (100.00) Heart Research Foundation Carolyn Carroll
(25.00) Refund membership fees Carolyn Carroll
(124.00) Hall hire
Closing cash balance 30th June 2021 $3879.35
Opening cash balance 1st June 2021 $8904.41
Interest 0.33
Deposits 565.00 Kiama
(104.20) Come from Away
440.00 Dining Out – El Nido
777.00 Addams Family
413.00 Sirculo Restaurant
224.50 Museum
36418.00 Broken Hill
Payments (715.00) Come from Away
(1400.00) Il Nido restaurant
(4800.00) Broken Hill
Closing cash balance 30th June 2021 $38733.00
There are currently 7 activities open.
Activity Balance
Bonville Golf 210.00
Kiama 3565.00
Dining Out – El Nido 80.00
Addams Family 925.00
Sirculo restaurant 2537.00
Museum 337.00
Broken Hill 32418.00
Interest received
Last year 21.01
This year to date 6.72
Activities surplus 620.31
Bank balance $40720.04
Interest to date on the $5,000 Term Deposit with Bendigo Bank is estimated to be $50.65.
For this year, $6.90 has been received as interest – General Account $0.18, Activities Account $6.72.
The Activity Surplus currently stands at $620.31.
Ian Roberts
Treasurer 7th July 2021
Opening cash balance 1st June 2021 $3750.31
Interest 0.04
Deposits 168.00 Membership fees
210.00 Joining fees
Expenses (100.00) Heart Research Foundation Carolyn Carroll
(25.00) Refund membership fees Carolyn Carroll
(124.00) Hall hire
Closing cash balance 30th June 2021 $3879.35
Opening cash balance 1st June 2021 $8904.41
Interest 0.33
Deposits 565.00 Kiama
(104.20) Come from Away
440.00 Dining Out – El Nido
777.00 Addams Family
413.00 Sirculo Restaurant
224.50 Museum
36418.00 Broken Hill
Payments (715.00) Come from Away
(1400.00) Il Nido restaurant
(4800.00) Broken Hill
Closing cash balance 30th June 2021 $38733.00
There are currently 7 activities open.
Activity Balance
Bonville Golf 210.00
Kiama 3565.00
Dining Out – El Nido 80.00
Addams Family 925.00
Sirculo restaurant 2537.00
Museum 337.00
Broken Hill 32418.00
Interest received
Last year 21.01
This year to date 6.72
Activities surplus 620.31
Bank balance $40720.04
Interest to date on the $5,000 Term Deposit with Bendigo Bank is estimated to be $50.65.
For this year, $6.90 has been received as interest – General Account $0.18, Activities Account $6.72.
The Activity Surplus currently stands at $620.31.
Ian Roberts
Treasurer 7th July 2021
Just a reminder of our Club policies for attendance at meetings and activities.
Jeff Swan – Membership Officer
- Members are expected to attend a minimum of 10 functions (meetings and/or activities) per Probus year (April to March).
- Visitors may only attend a maximum of 3 functions (meetings and/or activities) per Probus year.
Jeff Swan – Membership Officer
Welfare Report July
Hello Everyone!
Well it’s a bit of Déjà vu. Just as we were getting back into the swing of things and enjoying catching up with each other and all our activities, here we are again in lockdown.
I know lots of you are keeping in contact with each other and making sure we are all coping ok. If you know of anyone you are concerned about then let Terry Ridge or myself know so we can make contact.
In the meantime I thought I’d share some of the riveting activities I’ve been up to filling in time.
Painting, painting and more painting. I actually enjoy doing this! It’s so satisfying to see the end result. Car washing, oven cleaning, gardening, raking up the last of the fallen leaves, shopping, reading, crosswords, sudoku, catching up on Netflix, cleaning [the cleaner can’t come so…. Now I really appreciate what she does!], making phone calls, walking, practicing 500, some cooking [when I’m allowed in the kitchen!], oven cleaning and descaling the kitchen kettle. Now I look at this list I’m surprised how busy I am.
Hope you are all keeping occupied as well. Hopefully see you on zoom at the next general meeting.
Cathy Turner & Terry Ridge – Welfare Officers
Hello Everyone!
Well it’s a bit of Déjà vu. Just as we were getting back into the swing of things and enjoying catching up with each other and all our activities, here we are again in lockdown.
I know lots of you are keeping in contact with each other and making sure we are all coping ok. If you know of anyone you are concerned about then let Terry Ridge or myself know so we can make contact.
In the meantime I thought I’d share some of the riveting activities I’ve been up to filling in time.
Painting, painting and more painting. I actually enjoy doing this! It’s so satisfying to see the end result. Car washing, oven cleaning, gardening, raking up the last of the fallen leaves, shopping, reading, crosswords, sudoku, catching up on Netflix, cleaning [the cleaner can’t come so…. Now I really appreciate what she does!], making phone calls, walking, practicing 500, some cooking [when I’m allowed in the kitchen!], oven cleaning and descaling the kitchen kettle. Now I look at this list I’m surprised how busy I am.
Hope you are all keeping occupied as well. Hopefully see you on zoom at the next general meeting.
Cathy Turner & Terry Ridge – Welfare Officers
May Meeting Speaker - Anne McDonald

Anne McDonald Biography
Anne McDonald is the Principal of Anne McDonald & Associates Lawyers. She was admitted to practice law in New South Wales in December 1999 and has had over 12 years experience working for a law firm in the Sydney CBD before starting her own firm.
Anne has had a wide range of experience working with banks, businesses, companies and private individuals including in the following areas of law:
Anne McDonald is the Principal of Anne McDonald & Associates Lawyers. She was admitted to practice law in New South Wales in December 1999 and has had over 12 years experience working for a law firm in the Sydney CBD before starting her own firm.
Anne has had a wide range of experience working with banks, businesses, companies and private individuals including in the following areas of law:
- Property sales and acquisitions
- Business and company sales and acquisitions
- Retail, commercial and private banking
- Retail and commercial leasing both landlord and tenant
- Wills, Estates, Powers of Attorney, Enduring Guardianship and Living Wills
- Commercial Agreements
- Partnerships and Joint Ventures
- Family Law Financial Agreements
- Trademarks
- Liquor Licensing
No Photos From June Meeting (not held)
Environmental Change Is Required For Disposable Coffee Cups
Our current disposable coffee/tea cups cost around 20 to 25 cents each.
They are NOT recyclable due to the plastic membrane that lines them and can take up to 30 years to degrade.
Our landfills are choking with the daily arrival of 2 million “disposable” cups per day.
France banned single use disposable in 2020, other countries are following this trend. Coles & Woolworths both announced that they will stop selling single use plastic tableware, including cups by 1 July this year.
Buy yourselves a reusable coffee cup that shows that you’re “environmentally responsible” and form a habit of using them daily (keep in your bag or car), similar to the use of plastic reusable supermarket bags now.
Look in Target, Kmart or other similar stores and you will see there are a large range of reusable cups, especially the light insulated type that will keep your drink hot, or wine cold (use for white wine at wine & cheese nights). They all have protective “no spill” lids.
They are NOT recyclable due to the plastic membrane that lines them and can take up to 30 years to degrade.
Our landfills are choking with the daily arrival of 2 million “disposable” cups per day.
France banned single use disposable in 2020, other countries are following this trend. Coles & Woolworths both announced that they will stop selling single use plastic tableware, including cups by 1 July this year.
Buy yourselves a reusable coffee cup that shows that you’re “environmentally responsible” and form a habit of using them daily (keep in your bag or car), similar to the use of plastic reusable supermarket bags now.
Look in Target, Kmart or other similar stores and you will see there are a large range of reusable cups, especially the light insulated type that will keep your drink hot, or wine cold (use for white wine at wine & cheese nights). They all have protective “no spill” lids.
2021 Trivia Night Is On Again!
The West Pennant Hills & Cherrybrook Rotary Club Trivia Night is on again on
Saturday 18th September at the Cherrybrook Community Centre.
Save the date!!!
As with all our previous Trivia Nights, it will be an enjoyable and affordable night at only $20.00 per person (no extra costs re the trivia rounds) with the only optional extras being a raffle drawn at the end of the last round.
Working on tables of 8 (we can assist/coordinate/put teams together). Ample parking will be available.
Funds raised from this year's Trivia Night will donated to the charity “Graces Place”.
The primary purpose of Grace’s Place is to provide a unique place of healing and restoration for children traumatised by homicide. The facility is being built at Doonside on land made available by Blacktown City Council and Western Sydney Parklands Trust.
Their web site is
Please contact Max or Andrew to make bookings, or using contact details below in the flyer.
To download the flyer, click HERE
Activities & Leaders
As a result of the sign-up sheets at the Foundation Meeting and expressions of interest on application forms we have set up numerous activities and interest groups.
Newsletter Copy Deadline
Please provide your contributions for the August Newsletter by Friday 13th August.
Please email to Enio Dona or Bev Davison for activities or direct to Andrew Little for other articles.
Alternatively place directly into Dropbox under WPHD Probus Activities / Activity Newsletter Contributions / Contributions – 2021 08
Please provide your contributions for the August Newsletter by Friday 13th August.
Please email to Enio Dona or Bev Davison for activities or direct to Andrew Little for other articles.
Alternatively place directly into Dropbox under WPHD Probus Activities / Activity Newsletter Contributions / Contributions – 2021 08
To go to the Activities Calendar - click HERE!
Click on activity to go straight there!
Activity Group | Leaders |
Book Challenge | Sue Calabrese |
Book Club | Bev Davison |
Bridge | Looking For Leader |
Cards | David Turner |
Cycling | Bruce Bartle |
Day Trips (Bus/Train/Ferry) | Helen Games |
Dining Out | Wendy Carritt |
Domestic Travel | Max Henderson |
Gardening | Sue Small, Lorenza Powyer |
Golf | Terry Ridge |
Investment Group | David Antonjuk |
Mens Club | Rene Beutler |
Mixed Social Group | Kim Nicholls |
Movies | Sue Small and Lorenza Powyer |
Overseas Travel | Looking For Leader |
Photography | Rob Clarke |
Ten Pin Bowling | Douglas Matthews |
Tennis | Bob Davison |
Theatre and Musicals | Bruce Bartle |
Walking Group | Enio Dona |
Wine & Cheese | Julie Shenstone, Susan Antonjuk |
For an activity group to start, a member needs to step forward to lead the group | |

Another 7 books read this month - SRC Challenge has reached 40!
The ‘SIT – READ – CHILL’ Challenge will run from March to the end of August, and you can join at any time. You set your challenge and then aim to reach it.
To be part of this challenge, just search Facebook for WPH&D Book Challenge and join us.
A few ‘I really can’t waste my life finishing this book’ moments this month: James Patterson’s The Cross, and Three Women Disappear, How to Paint a Dead Man, Sarah Hall. Life’s too short! James Patterson needs to keep collaborating with others. His solo stuff is hard to get into. But the real problem (The Cross) was the most appalling reader – with sound effect for total melodramatic cheap chic.
This Month:
Nothing Ventured by Jeffrey Archer: Another excellent story and a great reader. First in the series about William Warwick and his journey to becoming a detective. His father expected him to study law and join his firm as a barrister. Not for William. He graduates from Uni, and despite being eligible to fast tracking through the ranks, starts at the bottom out on the beat, rising to join Scotland Yard’s Art and Antiques Fraud squad, beginning with a search for a stolen Rembrandt and some other frauds. Many twists but very enjoyable.
Widows’ Revenge by Lynda La Plante: The follow on to “Widows”. Continues the story of crime-land wives. Against all odds, the widows manage to pull of a heist that their husbands had failed to do at the cost of their lives. Then one widow discovers her husband’s betrayal, and that he isn’t dead. He’s now going to make them pay.
Sisters by Choice by Susan Mallery: Three cousins on Blackberry Island, each with pear-shaped problems involving how they move into the future. All about love, family and the friendships that see you through whatever life throws at you. Told with humour and charm.
The Darkest Evening by Ann Cleeves: This is from the crop of books about Detective Inspector Vera Stanhope – also a TV series. On a late snowy night, driving down an unfamiliar road, Vera becomes lost and disorientated. She finds a car that has skidded off the road and stops to help. Thinking the absent driver has gone to find help, she turns. Then she hears the cry of a young child – strapped in the back of the car. The resulting investigation has Vera uncovering her family’s complicated past. Many twists and turns and a good read.
Becoming by Michelle Obama: The story of the Obama’s journey the White House. If follows her life from a humble beginning in Chicago, through her realisation of the importance of education, her own law career, and how she played her role as First Lady. A good insight into American politics without it being too heavy.
The Guest List by Lucy Foley: On an island off the windswept Irish coast, guests father for the wedding of the year – the marriage of Jules Keegan and Will Slater. Old friends – past grudges – happy families – hidden jealousies – thirteen guests – one body. All are trapped when a storm unleashes its fury on the island. All have a secret. All have a motive. Keeps you guessing right to the end.
Neither Here Nor There by Bill Bryson: This read was just a break from all the heavier stuff. Amusing but not necessarily enthralling. 20 years earlier, Bryson had seen Europe as a backpacker. Now he decides to make a sentimental return. Interesting observations of how time has changed things as well as memories.
Sue Calabrese
Another 7 books read this month - SRC Challenge has reached 40!
The ‘SIT – READ – CHILL’ Challenge will run from March to the end of August, and you can join at any time. You set your challenge and then aim to reach it.
To be part of this challenge, just search Facebook for WPH&D Book Challenge and join us.
A few ‘I really can’t waste my life finishing this book’ moments this month: James Patterson’s The Cross, and Three Women Disappear, How to Paint a Dead Man, Sarah Hall. Life’s too short! James Patterson needs to keep collaborating with others. His solo stuff is hard to get into. But the real problem (The Cross) was the most appalling reader – with sound effect for total melodramatic cheap chic.
This Month:
Nothing Ventured by Jeffrey Archer: Another excellent story and a great reader. First in the series about William Warwick and his journey to becoming a detective. His father expected him to study law and join his firm as a barrister. Not for William. He graduates from Uni, and despite being eligible to fast tracking through the ranks, starts at the bottom out on the beat, rising to join Scotland Yard’s Art and Antiques Fraud squad, beginning with a search for a stolen Rembrandt and some other frauds. Many twists but very enjoyable.
Widows’ Revenge by Lynda La Plante: The follow on to “Widows”. Continues the story of crime-land wives. Against all odds, the widows manage to pull of a heist that their husbands had failed to do at the cost of their lives. Then one widow discovers her husband’s betrayal, and that he isn’t dead. He’s now going to make them pay.
Sisters by Choice by Susan Mallery: Three cousins on Blackberry Island, each with pear-shaped problems involving how they move into the future. All about love, family and the friendships that see you through whatever life throws at you. Told with humour and charm.
The Darkest Evening by Ann Cleeves: This is from the crop of books about Detective Inspector Vera Stanhope – also a TV series. On a late snowy night, driving down an unfamiliar road, Vera becomes lost and disorientated. She finds a car that has skidded off the road and stops to help. Thinking the absent driver has gone to find help, she turns. Then she hears the cry of a young child – strapped in the back of the car. The resulting investigation has Vera uncovering her family’s complicated past. Many twists and turns and a good read.
Becoming by Michelle Obama: The story of the Obama’s journey the White House. If follows her life from a humble beginning in Chicago, through her realisation of the importance of education, her own law career, and how she played her role as First Lady. A good insight into American politics without it being too heavy.
The Guest List by Lucy Foley: On an island off the windswept Irish coast, guests father for the wedding of the year – the marriage of Jules Keegan and Will Slater. Old friends – past grudges – happy families – hidden jealousies – thirteen guests – one body. All are trapped when a storm unleashes its fury on the island. All have a secret. All have a motive. Keeps you guessing right to the end.
Neither Here Nor There by Bill Bryson: This read was just a break from all the heavier stuff. Amusing but not necessarily enthralling. 20 years earlier, Bryson had seen Europe as a backpacker. Now he decides to make a sentimental return. Interesting observations of how time has changed things as well as memories.
Sue Calabrese

Book Club - July 2021 Report
We are back to Zoom meetings for the time being and we met online on 8th July. We chatted about Nine Perfect Strangers. Our next book is The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton. Unfortunately though, the library is closed so as yet we have not received our book kit.
Bev Davison
Leader - Bev Davison
We are back to Zoom meetings for the time being and we met online on 8th July. We chatted about Nine Perfect Strangers. Our next book is The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton. Unfortunately though, the library is closed so as yet we have not received our book kit.
Bev Davison
Leader - Bev Davison

Cycling Group: July 2021
Cycling has been cancelled due to current Covid 19 restrictions with all exercise currently restricted to just two persons.
This group has been growing steadily and new riders are always welcome, so come along and enjoy our next ride as always, mainly on dedicated cycle paths and of course our mandatory coffee break!!
Leaders - Bruce Bartle & Tony Coote
Cycling has been cancelled due to current Covid 19 restrictions with all exercise currently restricted to just two persons.
This group has been growing steadily and new riders are always welcome, so come along and enjoy our next ride as always, mainly on dedicated cycle paths and of course our mandatory coffee break!!
Leaders - Bruce Bartle & Tony Coote
Parramatta Heritage & Visitor Information Centre
Bev Dona received this letter from Uli Holmes from the Parramatta Heritage & Visitor Information Centre.
There are a couple of links to videos that you may be interested in.
Parramatta People
Parramatta Trivia
Please click on the links to give you an overview of our diverse offerings: or
There are a couple of links to videos that you may be interested in.
Parramatta People
Parramatta Trivia
Please click on the links to give you an overview of our diverse offerings: or
Razorhurst Walking Tour: Kings Cross to East Sydney - TBA

Sydney 1929: Tilly Devine and Kate Leigh rule the underworld. The Razor Gang Wars erupt. Blood flows. Tour their territory of Razorhurst.
Details of this tour are being finalised. I have suggested Friday 23rd July, meeting under the Coca Cola sign at 11.00am at a cost of around $22.50.
TBA - I will send out a flyer as soon as details have been confirmed.
Details of this tour are being finalised. I have suggested Friday 23rd July, meeting under the Coca Cola sign at 11.00am at a cost of around $22.50.
TBA - I will send out a flyer as soon as details have been confirmed.
Leader - Helen Games
Dining Out – July 2021
Dining out is cancelled until we are well clear of Lockdown and this current Covid Outbreak.
Dining out is cancelled until we are well clear of Lockdown and this current Covid Outbreak.
Leader - Wendy Carritt
Kiama Trips Sun 10 - Wed 13 and Sun 17 - Wed 20 October 2021
Last month we did some swaps and increased our numbers slightly to accommodate everyone. Any further requests will be added to a standby list.
Our amended lists are:
Last month we did some swaps and increased our numbers slightly to accommodate everyone. Any further requests will be added to a standby list.
Our amended lists are:
We have booked the “Park Ridge Retreat” Gerringong, just south of Kiama, providing circa 4 star accommodation) and is adjacent the local shops.
Except for single and triple rooms (refer table) our room only “group booking” tariff is $465.00/room for three nights ($155.00/night). Room allocation is mainly on the ground and middle floors.
Motel Meals:
Advisedly everyone has now paid their $100 deposit, whilst the majority is refundable, there is a $300.00 non-refundable group booking charge. We will require the accommodation balance of $365.00 (single $320 and triple $557) by the end of August.
All payments should be paid into the Activities Account and identified with your Surname & Kiama.
Evening Meals
We have made group bookings for both trips at the following:
Note; links are to existing menus are not necessarily what will be available in October.
Also due to our numbers we have a 7.30 booking and a set menu for Olive & Vine, two courses $40 or three $50. Send me an email if you require a copy of the menu.
We have made reservations assuming full attendance by our respective groups. Therefore can you please et us (Max) know by the end of August if you will not be attending any of these venues and we will adjust our reservations.
As usual we will endeavour to ensure this will be a very flexible trip, with how much or little you do entirely up to you. We will try for a major attraction each day, preferably morning.
This will generally provide “free time” after lunch for the various other attractions, all of which will undoubtedly have various levels of appeal. Thus we recommend you do some homework (at least check out some web sites etc.) to ascertain any individual preferences.
The hotel webpage includes a number of links to various local attractions:
We will include a few different YouTube links each month, just for inspiration:
Walk & Talk - Episode 55 - Minnamurra Falls Walk - YouTube
Treetop Walk | Illawarra Fly Treetop Adventures
Seven Mile Beach National Park | NSW National Parks
Except for the stated accommodation costs, it is best if all other costs, e.g. breakfasts, lunches, dinners and all activities are paid for separately, by the participants.
Any suggestions or questions please give me a call.
Looking forward to both your company and a great trip.
P.S. I’m looking some inspiration for April next year, any suggestions?
Max Henderson
Activity Leader
We have booked the “Park Ridge Retreat” Gerringong, just south of Kiama, providing circa 4 star accommodation) and is adjacent the local shops.
Except for single and triple rooms (refer table) our room only “group booking” tariff is $465.00/room for three nights ($155.00/night). Room allocation is mainly on the ground and middle floors.
Motel Meals:
- Hot Breakfast (Bacon & eggs and other choices) at $15.00 per person, tea, coffee, and juice.
- One Course Dinner at $25 per person, or 2 courses $35 choices of meals to be confirmed.
Advisedly everyone has now paid their $100 deposit, whilst the majority is refundable, there is a $300.00 non-refundable group booking charge. We will require the accommodation balance of $365.00 (single $320 and triple $557) by the end of August.
All payments should be paid into the Activities Account and identified with your Surname & Kiama.
Evening Meals
We have made group bookings for both trips at the following:
- Sunday; Gerringong Bowling Club, Pacific Ave, Werrs Beach (6.30pm). Large modern club, opposite the beach with our own first floor room
- Monday; Cronin’s Hotel, 29 Belinda Street, Gerringong (6.30pm). Lynne and I dined here last year, very good bistro
- Tuesday; Olive & Vine, 87 Manning Street, Kiama (7.30pm). Highly recommended by one of our members
Note; links are to existing menus are not necessarily what will be available in October.
Also due to our numbers we have a 7.30 booking and a set menu for Olive & Vine, two courses $40 or three $50. Send me an email if you require a copy of the menu.
We have made reservations assuming full attendance by our respective groups. Therefore can you please et us (Max) know by the end of August if you will not be attending any of these venues and we will adjust our reservations.
As usual we will endeavour to ensure this will be a very flexible trip, with how much or little you do entirely up to you. We will try for a major attraction each day, preferably morning.
This will generally provide “free time” after lunch for the various other attractions, all of which will undoubtedly have various levels of appeal. Thus we recommend you do some homework (at least check out some web sites etc.) to ascertain any individual preferences.
The hotel webpage includes a number of links to various local attractions:
We will include a few different YouTube links each month, just for inspiration:
Walk & Talk - Episode 55 - Minnamurra Falls Walk - YouTube
Treetop Walk | Illawarra Fly Treetop Adventures
Seven Mile Beach National Park | NSW National Parks
Except for the stated accommodation costs, it is best if all other costs, e.g. breakfasts, lunches, dinners and all activities are paid for separately, by the participants.
Any suggestions or questions please give me a call.
Looking forward to both your company and a great trip.
P.S. I’m looking some inspiration for April next year, any suggestions?
Max Henderson
Activity Leader
Broken Hill Wanderer Rail Package Sunday 22 – Tuesday 31 August 2021
On Sunday for those catching the train from Central we will spend the night at “The Great Southern Hotel” at Central. This will provide us a relatively short walk to Central Monday morning.
On Monday we have twenty four happy travelling companions, departing either Central at 6.18am or Parramatta at 6.40am and arriving in Broken Hill about 7.10pm (CST):
On Monday we have twenty four happy travelling companions, departing either Central at 6.18am or Parramatta at 6.40am and arriving in Broken Hill about 7.10pm (CST):
The rail package holiday
Refer to the attached link for a detailed insight, including costs:
Heading Home
Tuesday week we will be transferred to Broken Hill Railway Station to depart at 7.45am (CST) on the Outback Explorer in First class seats.
There has been email correspondence providing individual package costs, including deposits paid and the balances due by the end of this month.
Except for the stated package costs, all other associated costs are best paid for individually by the participants.
Any suggestions or questions please give me a call.
Looking forward to both your company and a great trip.
Max Henderson
Activity Leader
P.S. I’m looking some inspiration for April next year, any suggestions?
Refer to the attached link for a detailed insight, including costs:
Heading Home
Tuesday week we will be transferred to Broken Hill Railway Station to depart at 7.45am (CST) on the Outback Explorer in First class seats.
There has been email correspondence providing individual package costs, including deposits paid and the balances due by the end of this month.
Except for the stated package costs, all other associated costs are best paid for individually by the participants.
Any suggestions or questions please give me a call.
Looking forward to both your company and a great trip.
Max Henderson
Activity Leader
P.S. I’m looking some inspiration for April next year, any suggestions?
Hopefully we’re all finding lots of garden projects to keep us occupied – eg: pruning, mulching, feeding, preparing for spring planting, etc to keep us occupied during this current lock down.
Please click HERE if you would like to see a video of one of the wonderful Ross Garden Tour tours.
Please click HERE if you would like to see a video of one of the wonderful Ross Garden Tour tours.
Leaders - Sue Small, Lorenza Powyer

Golf Report June 2021.
The Bunker News
by Editor Terrence
Hello again from the WPH&D Probus Inc - Golf Bunker (easy to get into, but sometimes hard to get out off).
Who could this be in the image top left? Please name the person and course!
What a month we have all had and there is more to come, rain, wind, sunshine, and lollypops sorry Covid19.
I could make up a story about how everybody played this month and then again you would see right through it.
PUZZLE (Below): Fill in the blanks to which Golf Courses we have played and one we would like too someday, plus a misc. word.
This is the editor signing off from a sandy hole (Bunker) and due to hip replacement surgery, which is forthcoming I am handing the role over to Enio to delegate as he sees fit.
Yours in Fun, Fellowship & Friendship
Terry Ridge.
The Bunker News
by Editor Terrence
Hello again from the WPH&D Probus Inc - Golf Bunker (easy to get into, but sometimes hard to get out off).
Who could this be in the image top left? Please name the person and course!
What a month we have all had and there is more to come, rain, wind, sunshine, and lollypops sorry Covid19.
I could make up a story about how everybody played this month and then again you would see right through it.
PUZZLE (Below): Fill in the blanks to which Golf Courses we have played and one we would like too someday, plus a misc. word.
This is the editor signing off from a sandy hole (Bunker) and due to hip replacement surgery, which is forthcoming I am handing the role over to Enio to delegate as he sees fit.
Yours in Fun, Fellowship & Friendship
Terry Ridge.
Leader - Terry Ridge

Investment Group - July
Not surprisingly, there was no Investment Group meeting in July. Whilst I would like to think we will be able to hold a meeting in August, it seems increasingly unlikely. Whenever the next meeting will take place, it will be held at 10:00am on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at my home.
The topic for discussion will be “Comparing using a stock broker verses an online share trading platform such as CommSec”. The usual enticement of a home baked cake will the available to all participants, along with tea and coffee.
David Antonjuk
Leader - David Antonjuk
Not surprisingly, there was no Investment Group meeting in July. Whilst I would like to think we will be able to hold a meeting in August, it seems increasingly unlikely. Whenever the next meeting will take place, it will be held at 10:00am on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at my home.
The topic for discussion will be “Comparing using a stock broker verses an online share trading platform such as CommSec”. The usual enticement of a home baked cake will the available to all participants, along with tea and coffee.
David Antonjuk
Leader - David Antonjuk

Unfortunately, all movie cinemas are currently closed.
Hopefully we’ll be able to start returning to our monthly Movie Group day (ie 2nd Tuesday of the month) as soon as this current Covid outbreak is in check.
Please let Sue Small know if you’d like to be added to the Movie Group list, to receive email updates of Movie Days.
Unfortunately, all movie cinemas are currently closed.
Hopefully we’ll be able to start returning to our monthly Movie Group day (ie 2nd Tuesday of the month) as soon as this current Covid outbreak is in check.
Please let Sue Small know if you’d like to be added to the Movie Group list, to receive email updates of Movie Days.
Leaders – Lorenza Powyer & Sue Small
Probus Photography Group
Due to the Covid-19 lockdown we will postpone this month’s meeting until August which is looking like to be by Zoom due to the lockdown. Our meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month.
Facebook Site
Our Facebook site shows members images and there are references to a wide variety of learning videos and articles that can be looked back for reference.
The Facebook site is located at:
If you would like to see the Facebook site, please put a request in from your Facebook page to join the group. If you are a member of our Probus club you will be granted access, you don’t need to join the photography meetings. There are currently 31 members who access the Facebook site which is almost a third of the club’s membership. Some of the images are fantastic and are as good as many photographs shown in photography clubs.
Training on Lightroom and Photoshop
To make photos “pop” they need to be post processed. Lightroom is a program that helps to organise and process photos. Bain has kindly offered to run a workshop on Lightroom for the group. The date is to be advised and will need to wait until the lockdown is lifted.
Photoshop allows photographers to be more creative with photos and following the Lightroom workshop Rob will schedule some photoshop workshops.
If you are interested in these workshops, please let me know.
Next Outing
Unfortunately, we can’t schedule an outing whilst lockdown is in place. As soon as the lockdown is over, we will restart these events.
Photography Tip: When taking photographs of people look at converting the photograph to monochrome. This can be done with the free software on your computer or phone.
Next Meetings
Due to the Covid-19 lockdown we will postpone this month’s meeting until August which is looking like to be by Zoom due to the lockdown. Our meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month.
Facebook Site
Our Facebook site shows members images and there are references to a wide variety of learning videos and articles that can be looked back for reference.
The Facebook site is located at:
If you would like to see the Facebook site, please put a request in from your Facebook page to join the group. If you are a member of our Probus club you will be granted access, you don’t need to join the photography meetings. There are currently 31 members who access the Facebook site which is almost a third of the club’s membership. Some of the images are fantastic and are as good as many photographs shown in photography clubs.
Training on Lightroom and Photoshop
To make photos “pop” they need to be post processed. Lightroom is a program that helps to organise and process photos. Bain has kindly offered to run a workshop on Lightroom for the group. The date is to be advised and will need to wait until the lockdown is lifted.
Photoshop allows photographers to be more creative with photos and following the Lightroom workshop Rob will schedule some photoshop workshops.
If you are interested in these workshops, please let me know.
Next Outing
Unfortunately, we can’t schedule an outing whilst lockdown is in place. As soon as the lockdown is over, we will restart these events.
Photography Tip: When taking photographs of people look at converting the photograph to monochrome. This can be done with the free software on your computer or phone.
Next Meetings
- Next Meeting: Wednesday August 18 at 7:30pm via Zoom. The July meeting is being postponed due to the coordinator having a knee operation.
Rob Clarke
Activity Coordinator
Leaders - Rob Clarke & Bain Shenstone
Activity Coordinator
Leaders - Rob Clarke & Bain Shenstone
Photography Group - Street Photography Photos

Tennis Group Report- July 2021
We are lucky that we can continue to play during this lockdown period. We are currently using 2 courts enabling us to still meet
We play every Monday and Wednesday at 9.00am weather permitting, at Hasting Park Tennis Complex, 44 Belltree Crescent, Castle Hill.
If you wish to join us, please let me know.
Bob Davison
Leader - Bob Davison

Live Theatre July 2021
Our theatre party to “The Addams Family” presented by Sydney Youth Musical Theatre at Hornsby RSL Club, 7:30pm on Friday 9 July 2021 was an early casualty of the Covid emergency. This show season has been rescheduled to Friday 28 January 2022 if this date is unsuitable please contact the Treasurer for a refund,
We have a group confirmation for the enormously popular “Hamilton” at The Lyric Theatre on Wednesday 3 November 2021 with 40 good downstairs stall seats reserved (Rows H-N).
Group purchase price of these tickets are $185 each and will be $210 each inclusive of return coach travel.
I fully appreciate that the price does not necessarily make it accessible for all however, this is the best group price available and a great way to shake off the “Lock-down” blues which should hopefully be behind us by that date.
Hailed by critics as “a reinvention of the musical” – Chicago Tribune and “a singular work of brilliance.” – Rolling Stone, HAMILTON has gone from theatrical rebel to cultural phenomenon.
The public demand for this show is unprecedented and we need to finalise our booking by 31 August 2021 in order to secure these seats.
Payment is due by by 31 August 2021 to West Pennant Hills and District Probus Club Activities and Events Account. Please quote your surname and “Hamilton”.
Leader - Bruce Bartle

There was no W&C night in July.
Due to current Covid restrictions, the date for the next W&C is yet to be determined.
Julie & Sue
Leader Julie Shenstone
The Club Newsletter is for the private and confidential use of Club members and is not to be used for any other purpose. Approval for any form of advertising or promotion not directly related to club activities or general club information must be granted by the club committee.
The Club Newsletter is for the private and confidential use of Club members and is not to be used for any other purpose. Approval for any form of advertising or promotion not directly related to club activities or general club information must be granted by the club committee.
Newsletter Editor: Andrew Little