President's Report

Presidents Report for September
Another month, and still we are very restricted in our activities. Unfortunately Max Henderson had to cancel our Bateman’s Bay trip. Covid regulations meant that we would be severely limited in the number of members who could get together at one time in restaurants and other planned outings. A big thank you to Max and his team who put a lot of work into organising the trip. I know how disappointing it was for them (as well as the people planning to attend). At this stage we are hoping that next year’s trip to Bright can still go ahead.
Put the 16th of December in your diaries, as we hope to run our Christmas function outdoors this year. Enio Dona is planning to book a picnic area at Fagan Park that will allow at least fifty of us to gather together outdoors to celebrate another successful, but rather quiet year for the club. We will keep our eye on regulations and restrictions but feel confident at this stage that we can all bring along chairs, bottle of wine and a picnic lunch to celebrate.
I trust that everyone remains in good health and look forward to the time that we can all get together again.
Bob Carritt
Correspondence In
Correspondence Out
Correspondence Out
Bev Dona
Details of the Probus Member Benefit Scheme are at:
(click on link)
Details of the Probus Member Benefit Scheme are at:
(click on link)
TREASURER’S REPORT For the Month of August 2020
Opening cash balance 1st August 2020 $3980.34
Interest 0.17
Expenses -
Closing cash balance 31st August 2020 $3980.51
There has been very little activity in the General Account so far this month.
Opening cash balance 1st August 2020 $17010.86
Interest 2.10
Bright 1400.00
Windsor -
Bateman’s Bay (300.00)
Closing cash balance 31st August 2020 $18112.96
There has also been very little activity in the Activities Account. One deposit was received, and three refunds were made to people unable to go to Bateman’s Bay.
Four activities remain open at the end of the month:
Activity Balance
Bright 13400.00
Batemans Bay 2900.00
Frozen 702.00
Windsor 492.00
Interest received 13.98
Activities surplus 604.98
Bank balance $18112.96
The $5,000 invested in a Term Deposit with Bendigo matured on 9th August and has been rolled over for a further 12 months at an interest rate of 1.0%.
For the year to date, we have received $14.65 in interest in total from the general and activities accounts.
The activities surplus stands at $604.98.
Ian Roberts
25th August 2020
Opening cash balance 1st August 2020 $3980.34
Interest 0.17
Expenses -
Closing cash balance 31st August 2020 $3980.51
There has been very little activity in the General Account so far this month.
Opening cash balance 1st August 2020 $17010.86
Interest 2.10
Bright 1400.00
Windsor -
Bateman’s Bay (300.00)
Closing cash balance 31st August 2020 $18112.96
There has also been very little activity in the Activities Account. One deposit was received, and three refunds were made to people unable to go to Bateman’s Bay.
Four activities remain open at the end of the month:
Activity Balance
Bright 13400.00
Batemans Bay 2900.00
Frozen 702.00
Windsor 492.00
Interest received 13.98
Activities surplus 604.98
Bank balance $18112.96
The $5,000 invested in a Term Deposit with Bendigo matured on 9th August and has been rolled over for a further 12 months at an interest rate of 1.0%.
For the year to date, we have received $14.65 in interest in total from the general and activities accounts.
The activities surplus stands at $604.98.
Ian Roberts
25th August 2020
Just a reminder of our Club policies for attendance at meetings and activities.
Jeff Swan – Membership Officer
- Members are expected to attend a minimum of 10 functions (meetings and/or activities) per Probus year (April to March).
- Visitors may only attend a maximum of 3 functions (meetings and/or activities) per Probus year.
Jeff Swan – Membership Officer
Welfare report September 2020
We have been lucky over the past month with some nice warm weather enticing us outside to enjoy a bit of fun and friendship along with some exercise and lots of socializing.
Peter Stanton and Marilyn Savic were both walking really well on our last walk out at the Nepean River following their knee surgeries. There was a lot of catching up going on on this walk whilst still enjoying the scenery!
I hear John Cauchi has got his moonboot off his broken foot and is out now driving and Irene Johnston has given up the scooter and is on crutches after her foot operation. Still a while before she will be back to normal mobility.
Rosemary Clarke has her caste off her wrist after she broke it.
It was with great sadness I heard from Flora of her sisters passing away last Friday. I would like to pass onto Flora on behalf of the club our deepest sympathies and thoughts at this very sad time for her.
Manja Sheiles has had her other eye done for cataracts and glaucoma. She is looking well.
Wendy Carritt is still making masks. She is now sewing for the West Pennant Hills and Cherrybrook Rotary Club. This is helping with their fundraising. Well done Wendy!
We are very fortunate in our club as we have many caring people who are keeping in contact with each other and making sure they are ok and coping. We still have a number of activities operating and this is helping us to keep connected and enabling us to pursue our interests.
Whilst out and about it seems to be the norm now to look for the sanitizer, so keep sanitizing, mask up if need be and stay safe!
Please let Terry Ridge or myself know if anybody needs contacting.
Cathy Turner
Cathy Turner & Terry Ridge – Welfare Officers
We have been lucky over the past month with some nice warm weather enticing us outside to enjoy a bit of fun and friendship along with some exercise and lots of socializing.
Peter Stanton and Marilyn Savic were both walking really well on our last walk out at the Nepean River following their knee surgeries. There was a lot of catching up going on on this walk whilst still enjoying the scenery!
I hear John Cauchi has got his moonboot off his broken foot and is out now driving and Irene Johnston has given up the scooter and is on crutches after her foot operation. Still a while before she will be back to normal mobility.
Rosemary Clarke has her caste off her wrist after she broke it.
It was with great sadness I heard from Flora of her sisters passing away last Friday. I would like to pass onto Flora on behalf of the club our deepest sympathies and thoughts at this very sad time for her.
Manja Sheiles has had her other eye done for cataracts and glaucoma. She is looking well.
Wendy Carritt is still making masks. She is now sewing for the West Pennant Hills and Cherrybrook Rotary Club. This is helping with their fundraising. Well done Wendy!
We are very fortunate in our club as we have many caring people who are keeping in contact with each other and making sure they are ok and coping. We still have a number of activities operating and this is helping us to keep connected and enabling us to pursue our interests.
Whilst out and about it seems to be the norm now to look for the sanitizer, so keep sanitizing, mask up if need be and stay safe!
Please let Terry Ridge or myself know if anybody needs contacting.
Cathy Turner
Cathy Turner & Terry Ridge – Welfare Officers
September Meeting Speaker - Richard Whitaker - “Of Droughts and Flooding Rains"

“Of Droughts and Flooding Rains’, looks at the great rainfall variability we experience in Australia and a couple of the major droughts and floods we have experienced. We also look at the improvement in so called “long range” forecasting we have seen over the last twenty years or so. This improvement builds on the importance of sea surface temperatures and phenomena such as El Nino and La Nina that have a significant effect on Australian rainfall.
Richards Latest book:
“From Gods to Gigabytes – A Brief History of Weather Forecasting” is now available.
If you wish to purchase a copy please forward $30.35 into Richard’s bank account:
For privacy reasons Dick's Bank account details will be provided at the meeting.
This includes the price of the book, plus postage and handling within Australia.
Richard will then post the book to you. Please provide your preferred postal address.
The turnaround time should be around 7 working days from receiving your order.
Richard (Dick) Whitaker
After graduating from Monash University in Science in 1968, Dick was conscripted and served two years in the Army, ending his military career as an infantry junior officer with 5th Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment.
He joined the Bureau of Meteorology soon after and began a public service career that would last some thirty-one years.
Dick left the Bureau in 2002, but never lost the “weather bug” and came out of retirement to begin his own meteorological consultancy business. He was Chief Meteorologist with Sky News Weather up until 2016 and appeared regularly on radio and television.
He also wrote an historical coffee table publication on the photographic history of Sydney called “Sydneyside” and has authored and co-authored thirteen published mathematical papers.
He remains very interested in history and meteorological education, particularly through television, radio, and books, and has been author, co-author and consultant editor of seventeen books about the weather, including publications for Time-Life and Reader’s Digest.
Dick is an experienced lecturer and has delivered numerous lectures on history and the weather to such groups as Probus, Rotary, Libraries, U3A, bushfire brigades, historical societies, schools and business groups.
He has been married for 50 years, has two children and five grandchildren.
Richards Latest book:
“From Gods to Gigabytes – A Brief History of Weather Forecasting” is now available.
If you wish to purchase a copy please forward $30.35 into Richard’s bank account:
For privacy reasons Dick's Bank account details will be provided at the meeting.
This includes the price of the book, plus postage and handling within Australia.
Richard will then post the book to you. Please provide your preferred postal address.
The turnaround time should be around 7 working days from receiving your order.
Richard (Dick) Whitaker
After graduating from Monash University in Science in 1968, Dick was conscripted and served two years in the Army, ending his military career as an infantry junior officer with 5th Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment.
He joined the Bureau of Meteorology soon after and began a public service career that would last some thirty-one years.
Dick left the Bureau in 2002, but never lost the “weather bug” and came out of retirement to begin his own meteorological consultancy business. He was Chief Meteorologist with Sky News Weather up until 2016 and appeared regularly on radio and television.
He also wrote an historical coffee table publication on the photographic history of Sydney called “Sydneyside” and has authored and co-authored thirteen published mathematical papers.
He remains very interested in history and meteorological education, particularly through television, radio, and books, and has been author, co-author and consultant editor of seventeen books about the weather, including publications for Time-Life and Reader’s Digest.
Dick is an experienced lecturer and has delivered numerous lectures on history and the weather to such groups as Probus, Rotary, Libraries, U3A, bushfire brigades, historical societies, schools and business groups.
He has been married for 50 years, has two children and five grandchildren.
10.30AM NEXT WEDNESDAY 23rd September.
Zoom login details, including Meeting ID & Password have been emailed by Rob Clarke to all members.
If you want help in installing Zoom please let Andrew Little or Rob Clarke know.
Make sure you turn on your video. We ask you not to turn on your audio (ie MUTE AUDIO) as having to many people on audio makes it impossible for anyone to hear anything.
Bright trip - 19 to 29 April 2021
The trip to Bright is looking very promising with a Covid-19 vaccine likely to be available by the end of the year with the government securing enough doses to give it to everyone.
We have 51 confirmed travellers and we are unable to take any more people due to venue capacities. If you would like to be placed on the waiting list please email Rob Clarke.
Could everyone who is attending please deposit a further $200 per head into the activities folder by the end of September. This will mean that everyone should have contributed a total of $400 per head by the end of September.
At this stage, all deposits are fully refundable.
If you have any questions on this trip please do not hesitate to call me or contact me by email.
Rob Clarke
Could everyone who is attending please deposit a further $200 per head into the activities folder by the end of September. This will mean that everyone should have contributed a total of $400 per head by the end of September.
At this stage, all deposits are fully refundable.
If you have any questions on this trip please do not hesitate to call me or contact me by email.
Rob Clarke
Hand Made – Fully Washable - Triple layer Face Masks
As many of you know, Wendy Carritt has been making face masks for some time and now, along with masks made by Anne Sharpe these are being sold by The Rotary Club of West Pennant Hills and Cherrybrook for $10.00 each, with all proceeds going to support their charity projects.
The masks are good quality, machine washable, three-layer face masks (includes a filter layer) in a variety of colours, plain and patterned to suit everyone. (some patterned examples below).
If you are interested in purchasing masks please let me know.
Beverley Davison
The masks are good quality, machine washable, three-layer face masks (includes a filter layer) in a variety of colours, plain and patterned to suit everyone. (some patterned examples below).
If you are interested in purchasing masks please let me know.
Beverley Davison
Activities & Leaders
As a result of the sign-up sheets at the Foundation Meeting and expressions of interest on application forms we have set up numerous activities and interest groups.
Newsletter Copy Deadline
Please provide your contributions for the October Newsletter by Friday 16th October.
Please email to Enio Dona or Bev Davison for activities or direct to Andrew Little for other articles.
Alternatively place directly into Dropbox under WPHD Probus Activities / Activity Newsletter Contributions / Contributions – 2020 10
Please provide your contributions for the October Newsletter by Friday 16th October.
Please email to Enio Dona or Bev Davison for activities or direct to Andrew Little for other articles.
Alternatively place directly into Dropbox under WPHD Probus Activities / Activity Newsletter Contributions / Contributions – 2020 10
Click on activity to go straight there!
Activity Group | Leaders |
Book Challenge | Sue Calabrese |
Book Club | Bev Davison |
Bridge | Rob Clarke |
Cards | David Turner, Barbara Taylor |
Cycling | Bruce Bartle |
Day Trips (Bus/Train/Ferry) | Helen Games |
Dining Out | Wendy Carritt |
Domestic Travel | Max Henderson |
Gardening | Sue Small, Lorenza Powyer |
Golf | Terry Ridge |
Investment Group | David Antonjuk |
Mens Club | Rene Beutler |
Mixed Social Group | Kim Nicholls |
Movies | Sue Small and Lorenza Powyer |
Overseas Travel | Looking For Leader |
Photography | Rob Clarke |
Ten Pin Bowling | Douglas Matthews |
Tennis | Bob Davison |
Theatre and Musicals | Bruce Bartle |
Walking Group | Bob Carritt & Enio Dona |
Wine & Cheese | Julie Shenstone, Susan Antonjuk |
For an activity group to start, a member needs to step forward to lead the group | |

📚 Here Comes the Sun – PLEASE! Challenge📚
The Curl Up And Read Challenge came to a great close with another 4 books bringing our total for CUARC to 48 books – how great is that! Not bad for 5 people – that’s an average of 10 books each.
AND NOW…. The ‘Here Comes The Sun - PLEASE’ challenge is now on.
It will run from September to February next year. Search Facebook for WPH&D Book Challenge to join us.
Our reads since last month:
The Last Anniversary by Liane Moriarty – An enjoyable and easy read after you work out who’s who in the family tree – lends itself well to movie making.
The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris – a Book Club read. A story of love, set in unimaginably difficult circumstances. Well written and very enjoyable. Also a very long listen if that’s your preference – about 25 hours.
The Third Option by Vince Flynn – An American CIA agent is an operative in the covert counter terrorism unit. A typical political thriller with lots of acronyms to get your head around (CIA, FBI, CTC…….) An okay read.
Holding by Graham Norton – Human remains are discovered on an old farm in a small village in Ireland. An overweight sergeant, PJ, has a real case to solve at last. An alcoholic mother, and a lonely woman who feels her life is a total waste are both connected to a missing person. A community’s worth of regret, anger and resentment is unearthed. Touching but darkly comic at times. Enjoyable.
The Secret Piano by Zhu Xiao-Mei – an interesting book about overcoming adversity, from Mao’s Labour Camps to Bach’s Goldberg Variations.
Somewhere Towards the End by Diana Athill – about the end of life – warm and inspiring, but with what we are going through with COVID, perhaps not an optimistic read.
Educated by Tara Westover– a very interesting read about peoples’ lives and how the environment has such a vital impact on those lives. A true story, encouraging people to think for themselves and explore what the world has to offer, and that adversity can be overcome.
Blue Nights by Joan Didion – a very pessimistic book – maybe not for these times????
Girl, Woman, Other by Bernardine Evaristo – more of a collection of individual stories about characters whose lives overlap – Lots of Lesbians, a few bi-sexuals, heterosexuals, the children of all these ‘unions’, lots of Nigerians in England and the accompanying racism that goes with being different, domestic violence and so on. Had a few ‘slap – rating’ moments but you could really care about some of the characters in the end.
Freeing Grace by Charity Norman – the turmoil of adoption, fear of commitment, lies and control, selfishness and sacrifice – a great read. The lives of the adopting family, the relinquishing family, death of the young Nigerian mother and a Kiwi banker running from his past all collide as the future of the young baby, Grace, is held in the balance.
Some terrific reads and more to come – hope you can join us.
Sue Calabrese
Leader - Sue Calabrese
📚 Here Comes the Sun – PLEASE! Challenge📚
The Curl Up And Read Challenge came to a great close with another 4 books bringing our total for CUARC to 48 books – how great is that! Not bad for 5 people – that’s an average of 10 books each.
AND NOW…. The ‘Here Comes The Sun - PLEASE’ challenge is now on.
It will run from September to February next year. Search Facebook for WPH&D Book Challenge to join us.
Our reads since last month:
The Last Anniversary by Liane Moriarty – An enjoyable and easy read after you work out who’s who in the family tree – lends itself well to movie making.
The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris – a Book Club read. A story of love, set in unimaginably difficult circumstances. Well written and very enjoyable. Also a very long listen if that’s your preference – about 25 hours.
The Third Option by Vince Flynn – An American CIA agent is an operative in the covert counter terrorism unit. A typical political thriller with lots of acronyms to get your head around (CIA, FBI, CTC…….) An okay read.
Holding by Graham Norton – Human remains are discovered on an old farm in a small village in Ireland. An overweight sergeant, PJ, has a real case to solve at last. An alcoholic mother, and a lonely woman who feels her life is a total waste are both connected to a missing person. A community’s worth of regret, anger and resentment is unearthed. Touching but darkly comic at times. Enjoyable.
The Secret Piano by Zhu Xiao-Mei – an interesting book about overcoming adversity, from Mao’s Labour Camps to Bach’s Goldberg Variations.
Somewhere Towards the End by Diana Athill – about the end of life – warm and inspiring, but with what we are going through with COVID, perhaps not an optimistic read.
Educated by Tara Westover– a very interesting read about peoples’ lives and how the environment has such a vital impact on those lives. A true story, encouraging people to think for themselves and explore what the world has to offer, and that adversity can be overcome.
Blue Nights by Joan Didion – a very pessimistic book – maybe not for these times????
Girl, Woman, Other by Bernardine Evaristo – more of a collection of individual stories about characters whose lives overlap – Lots of Lesbians, a few bi-sexuals, heterosexuals, the children of all these ‘unions’, lots of Nigerians in England and the accompanying racism that goes with being different, domestic violence and so on. Had a few ‘slap – rating’ moments but you could really care about some of the characters in the end.
Freeing Grace by Charity Norman – the turmoil of adoption, fear of commitment, lies and control, selfishness and sacrifice – a great read. The lives of the adopting family, the relinquishing family, death of the young Nigerian mother and a Kiwi banker running from his past all collide as the future of the young baby, Grace, is held in the balance.
Some terrific reads and more to come – hope you can join us.
Sue Calabrese
Leader - Sue Calabrese

Book Club - September 2020 Report
Our current book is The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris.
We will meet again on 1st October via Zoom.
We are back on the Library schedule now so will we meet every eight weeks.
If anyone is interested in joining, just let me know.
Happy reading
Bev Davison
Leader - Bev Davison
Our current book is The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris.
We will meet again on 1st October via Zoom.
We are back on the Library schedule now so will we meet every eight weeks.
If anyone is interested in joining, just let me know.
Happy reading
Bev Davison
Leader - Bev Davison

Cards Report
A couple of suggestions……
500 Trickster is a great website you can use to play 500.
You can play with friends or you can play against the computer and improve your skills!
Hearts classic card game is another website you can go to. Playing against the computer as a beginner, average player or a Pro all help in honing your card skills.
Beware though, they can be addictive and before you know it an hour or 2 has slipped by!!
Leaders - David Turner & Barbara Taylor
A couple of suggestions……
500 Trickster is a great website you can use to play 500.
You can play with friends or you can play against the computer and improve your skills!
Hearts classic card game is another website you can go to. Playing against the computer as a beginner, average player or a Pro all help in honing your card skills.
Beware though, they can be addictive and before you know it an hour or 2 has slipped by!!
Leaders - David Turner & Barbara Taylor

Cycling Group: September 2020
On Wednesday 16 September 2020 a group of 10 cycled around the Olympic precinct and Bicentennial from Wilson Park Silverwater and back including morning coffee, great to catch up with you all again!
Our next ride is scheduled for Wednesday 7 October with details to follow shortly.
(any suggestions welcome)
This group has been growing steadily and new riders are always welcome, so come along and enjoy our next ride as always mainly on dedicated cycle paths and of course our mandatory coffee break!!
Leaders - Bruce Bartle & Tony Coote
On Wednesday 16 September 2020 a group of 10 cycled around the Olympic precinct and Bicentennial from Wilson Park Silverwater and back including morning coffee, great to catch up with you all again!
Our next ride is scheduled for Wednesday 7 October with details to follow shortly.
(any suggestions welcome)
This group has been growing steadily and new riders are always welcome, so come along and enjoy our next ride as always mainly on dedicated cycle paths and of course our mandatory coffee break!!
Leaders - Bruce Bartle & Tony Coote
I was unable to contact Judith Dunn and I have re organised an historical walk of Windsor with Hawkesbury Village Heritage Tours. They can only take 20 people at a time and there will be 2 guides so that we don’t have to walk around together. We will tour around the historic Peninsula area of Windsor, Thompson Square and visit the museum.
To download the flyer, click HERE
- Toilets are available in the museum
- Parking is not always easy. Small amount of parking in Thompson Square but if none there continue round the bottom of the square to the riverbank or First Street on the left and walk back.
- Cost: $15 per head for walk. This has already been paid by you.
- Meet: at 10.10am at Hawkesbury Museum in Baker Street Windsor
- Lunch: at local coffee shops and eateries, Lynwood Country Club or nearby Howe Park for those who bring their own.
- Wear: sturdy walking shoes. Bring a hat and bottle of water.
To download the flyer, click HERE
If you have any great ideas about trips for next year please let me know.
Leader - Helen Games
Dining out has been cancelled until further notice
Leader - Wendy Carritt
Batemans Bay Trip - Mon 12 - Thur 15 and Mon 19 - Thur 22 October 2020
Unfortunately, we didn’t reduce our numbers sufficiently to enable the trip/s to proceed under current Covid restrictions which would have jeopardised our health and the reputation of Probus.
To support local businesses that have suffered so much emotional and financial hardship this year we would encourage members to still visit this region.
A big thank you to Ian for refunding all deposits (again) and balancing the books.
Max Henderson
Leader - Max Henderson
To support local businesses that have suffered so much emotional and financial hardship this year we would encourage members to still visit this region.
A big thank you to Ian for refunding all deposits (again) and balancing the books.
Max Henderson
Leader - Max Henderson
Gardening Group - September
We had planned to visit Lisgar Gardens in Hornsby – but the weather decided to pick that day to give our gardens a good watering and rather than walk around a steep and potentially slippery bush area we unfortunately had to cancel the outing
Our next outing will be on 8 October:
Location: Cumberland State Forest
Meeting time - 10.00am
The nursery has a large range of large range of very healthy plants, which will give us a good opportunity to pick up any seedlings, annuals, shrubs, trees to prepare our gardens for the coming warmer weather.
While at the Gardens we’ll also do a walk around the ‘Palm Gully Trail’, which has a well-maintained walking path which isn’t’ too steep.
Following our walk around the bush track and our shopping in the nursery we’ll drive around the corner for lunch at the West Pennant Hills Sport Club 103 New Line Rd, West Pennant Hills
We had planned to visit Lisgar Gardens in Hornsby – but the weather decided to pick that day to give our gardens a good watering and rather than walk around a steep and potentially slippery bush area we unfortunately had to cancel the outing
Our next outing will be on 8 October:
Location: Cumberland State Forest
Meeting time - 10.00am
The nursery has a large range of large range of very healthy plants, which will give us a good opportunity to pick up any seedlings, annuals, shrubs, trees to prepare our gardens for the coming warmer weather.
While at the Gardens we’ll also do a walk around the ‘Palm Gully Trail’, which has a well-maintained walking path which isn’t’ too steep.
Following our walk around the bush track and our shopping in the nursery we’ll drive around the corner for lunch at the West Pennant Hills Sport Club 103 New Line Rd, West Pennant Hills
Leaders - Sue Small, Lorenza Powyer

Hello again from the WPH&D Probus Golf Bunker (my study).
Our third Probus Golf day since Covid was yet another great success with 12 members participating at Carnarvon Golf Club. The skies were clear with a slight breeze across the course.
The usual Friday play was changed on short notice to the following Monday due to the Carnarvon Golf Club adding a lady’s competition. Which was unforeseen. The flow on affect was that some of our most treasured members were unable to play.
Our third Probus Golf day since Covid was yet another great success with 12 members participating at Carnarvon Golf Club. The skies were clear with a slight breeze across the course.
The usual Friday play was changed on short notice to the following Monday due to the Carnarvon Golf Club adding a lady’s competition. Which was unforeseen. The flow on affect was that some of our most treasured members were unable to play.
his is our Nine Hole Players, their leader is Max Henderson accompanied by Tony Coote, Greg Holmes, and Gerard Siddle. (photo courtesy of Tony Coote).
Mr Bartle, Mr Sanders, Mr Smith, and Leader Mr Terry Ridge.
The second group playing 18 holes was Mr Turner (shown on the green with Mr Clarke) with his final putt for the day. Mr Shenstone taking the photo and Mr Swan out of picture (possibly camera shy)
(photos courtesy of Bain Shenstone)
Our next game will be at Asquith 2nd October 2020 thank you to David Turner for assisting with this booking.
I will forward the start sheet in the days prior for confirmation.
Yours in Fun, Fellowship & Friendship
(photos courtesy of Bain Shenstone)
Our next game will be at Asquith 2nd October 2020 thank you to David Turner for assisting with this booking.
I will forward the start sheet in the days prior for confirmation.
Yours in Fun, Fellowship & Friendship
Leader - Terry Ridge

Movie Group - September
Unfortunately, there’s no new updates on when the cinemas will be starting up again.
For our next movie day – ie 6 October we’ll again meet at the Castle Hill RSL Club at 10.00am to enjoy brunch /morning tea and some nice long catch chats.
Please let Sue Small know if you’re interested in having your name added to the movie group list, for whenever we can start seeing movies again.
Unfortunately, there’s no new updates on when the cinemas will be starting up again.
For our next movie day – ie 6 October we’ll again meet at the Castle Hill RSL Club at 10.00am to enjoy brunch /morning tea and some nice long catch chats.
Please let Sue Small know if you’re interested in having your name added to the movie group list, for whenever we can start seeing movies again.
Leaders – Lorenza Powyer & Sue Small
Probus Photography Group
The photography group has been highly active and now has 25 members. The photos that we are seeing from everyone in the group are of an extremely high standard and many of the photos are taken with an I-Phone or android.
The photography group meets fortnightly through Zoom or substitutes a meeting for an outing. At our meetings we talk about one aspect of photography, over the past month we have been talking about the different types of light and flash photography which is transmitted light.
Photographic Exercise Between Meetings
Between each meeting we have a photographic project that attempts to build the skills in what we have discussed.
The exercise for the last month was taking a photo with the photographer explaining the type of light that is in the photo at our meetings. The type of light has a huge impact on the quality and feel of a photograph.
The group uses the face book site to vote on the best photo to be the banner for the Facebook site until the next meeting. Two outstanding photos were voted equally best that are in a portrait format and are not suitable for the Facebook banner.
The interior photograph of Antoni Gaudí’s home (reflected light) was taken by Santo and the photograph of Ian and Jeanette has beautiful backlighting with soft foreground light. Congratulations Santo and Ian. We are not sure why Ian has a halo and is wearing a dress?
Our third-place getter (only by one vote) was Bev Davison who took this beautiful sunrise photo emphasising reflected light.
Our third-place getter (only by one vote) was Bev Davison who took this beautiful sunrise photo emphasising reflected light.
Facebook Site
Our Facebook site shows members images and there are references to a wide variety of learning videos and articles that can be looked back on for reference.
The Facebook site is located at:
If you would like to see the Facebook site, please put a request in from your Facebook page to join the group. If you are a member of our Probus club you will be granted access, you don’t need to join the photography meetings. There are currently 25 members who access the Facebook site which is about a quarter of the club’s membership.
Bare Island Outing Now October 7
Unfortunately, our outing to Bare Island outing was postponed due to rain. We are trying again for October7. We will need to meet at the island at 6:15 am to catch the sunrise over the rock shelf to the island. This means a 4:45 am start!!
Next Meetings
Rob Clarke
Leaders - Rob Clarke & Bain Shenstone
Our Facebook site shows members images and there are references to a wide variety of learning videos and articles that can be looked back on for reference.
The Facebook site is located at:
If you would like to see the Facebook site, please put a request in from your Facebook page to join the group. If you are a member of our Probus club you will be granted access, you don’t need to join the photography meetings. There are currently 25 members who access the Facebook site which is about a quarter of the club’s membership.
Bare Island Outing Now October 7
Unfortunately, our outing to Bare Island outing was postponed due to rain. We are trying again for October7. We will need to meet at the island at 6:15 am to catch the sunrise over the rock shelf to the island. This means a 4:45 am start!!
Next Meetings
- Next Zoom Meeting: October 7 at 7:30pm
Rob Clarke
Leaders - Rob Clarke & Bain Shenstone
Transmitted Light Photos

Tin Pin Bowling - September
I had hoped to recommence ten pin bowling this month.
Unfortunately, on rechecking with the venue to establish what they were currently doing
to protect their customers I found that schools, who had previously been absent, were
back. This in itself was a concern, but of greater concern was that they were not subject
to the same restrictions regarding numbers & distancing.
In view of this, decision was taken to cancel ten pin bowling until we can be sure our
health & welfare is not compromised.
I will continue to monitor situation and when I am confident we can restart I will let
everyone who has bowled before, or indicated they might like to participate, know by text
In the meantime stay safe.
Doug Mathews
I had hoped to recommence ten pin bowling this month.
Unfortunately, on rechecking with the venue to establish what they were currently doing
to protect their customers I found that schools, who had previously been absent, were
back. This in itself was a concern, but of greater concern was that they were not subject
to the same restrictions regarding numbers & distancing.
In view of this, decision was taken to cancel ten pin bowling until we can be sure our
health & welfare is not compromised.
I will continue to monitor situation and when I am confident we can restart I will let
everyone who has bowled before, or indicated they might like to participate, know by text
In the meantime stay safe.
Doug Mathews
Leader - Doug Matthews

Live Theatre September 2020
Disney’s Frozen: (Must be finalised this month including payment)
Adapted from the Oscar-winning film, Frozen the Musical is expertly brought to the stage by acclaimed Director Michael Grandage, giving life to this beloved story in an all new, unforgettable theatrical experience.
Tickets to our original theatre party have now been rescheduled to Wednesday 17 February 2021 at 7:00 PM with the same seating originally selected. If you have already paid and this date is no longer suitable please let me know a.s.a.p.
We still have currently reserved 30 seats for the Australian premiere season of Disney’s Frozen at the Capitol Theatre, at 7:00pm cost is $78 including return bus. Frozen opened on Broadway on March 22, 2018 and has since set (and subsequently broken!) four St. James Theatre house records.
Payment is due by 30th September 2020 to West Pennant Hills and District Probus Club Activities and Events Account. Please quote your surname and “Frozen”.
Come from Away:
We have just been advised that Sydney season of COME FROM AWAY. The Tony® and Olivier award-winning musical will now commence performances at the Capitol Theatre from Thursday 3 June, 2021.
Closer to the time we will look at the feasibility of organising a re-scheduled theatre party to this show.
The Tony®, Grammy®, Olivier and Pulitzer Prize winning musical will open at the Sydney Lyric Theatre in March 2021.
Ticket prices are currently $185 each, given that there are a number of other viable alternatives we will monitor the situation with a view to attending once it becomes more affordable.
Disney’s Frozen: (Must be finalised this month including payment)
Adapted from the Oscar-winning film, Frozen the Musical is expertly brought to the stage by acclaimed Director Michael Grandage, giving life to this beloved story in an all new, unforgettable theatrical experience.
Tickets to our original theatre party have now been rescheduled to Wednesday 17 February 2021 at 7:00 PM with the same seating originally selected. If you have already paid and this date is no longer suitable please let me know a.s.a.p.
We still have currently reserved 30 seats for the Australian premiere season of Disney’s Frozen at the Capitol Theatre, at 7:00pm cost is $78 including return bus. Frozen opened on Broadway on March 22, 2018 and has since set (and subsequently broken!) four St. James Theatre house records.
Payment is due by 30th September 2020 to West Pennant Hills and District Probus Club Activities and Events Account. Please quote your surname and “Frozen”.
Come from Away:
We have just been advised that Sydney season of COME FROM AWAY. The Tony® and Olivier award-winning musical will now commence performances at the Capitol Theatre from Thursday 3 June, 2021.
Closer to the time we will look at the feasibility of organising a re-scheduled theatre party to this show.
The Tony®, Grammy®, Olivier and Pulitzer Prize winning musical will open at the Sydney Lyric Theatre in March 2021.
Ticket prices are currently $185 each, given that there are a number of other viable alternatives we will monitor the situation with a view to attending once it becomes more affordable.
Leader - Bruce Bartle

The walking group held the last walk on Sept 8th, the Great River Walk which is a Bridge to Bridge loop around part of the Nepean River. It was an easy walk on wide concrete walkways, across two bridges on reasonably flat route. It was a lovely day for the walk with great weather. It is good to see so many Probus members particulate, but we welcome any one else who wishes to join in.
The next walk is on Sept 22th (day before the next General Meeting) and it is the Geebung Walk around Fred Caterson Reserve, Castle Hill. This walk is close to home and it is a chance to get some exercise. This is a easy to medium walk, 3.6k long but can be cut in half for those so inclined.
When: Tuesday Sept 22h
Time: 10.00 am sharp. Do not be late.
Where: Geebung Walk around Fred Caterson Reserve,
Meet: Field Number 1 Car Park, approx. 1 km into the reserve on Caterson Drive which is accessed from Gilbert Rd, Castle Hill.
Parking: Parking is free and plenty is available.
Coffee: Bring your own, picnic tables are adjacent to the car park OR buy a coffee just a short drive up the road at Knightsbridge shopping centre.
Toilets: available adjacent to Field Number 1 Car Park,
All are welcome.
The next walk is on Sept 22th (day before the next General Meeting) and it is the Geebung Walk around Fred Caterson Reserve, Castle Hill. This walk is close to home and it is a chance to get some exercise. This is a easy to medium walk, 3.6k long but can be cut in half for those so inclined.
When: Tuesday Sept 22h
Time: 10.00 am sharp. Do not be late.
Where: Geebung Walk around Fred Caterson Reserve,
Meet: Field Number 1 Car Park, approx. 1 km into the reserve on Caterson Drive which is accessed from Gilbert Rd, Castle Hill.
Parking: Parking is free and plenty is available.
Coffee: Bring your own, picnic tables are adjacent to the car park OR buy a coffee just a short drive up the road at Knightsbridge shopping centre.
Toilets: available adjacent to Field Number 1 Car Park,
All are welcome.
Leaders - Bob Carritt & Enio Dona

Wine and Cheese
All W&C evenings have been cancelled until further notice.
All W&C evenings have been cancelled until further notice.
Leader Julie Shenstone
The Club Newsletter is for the private and confidential use of Club members and is not to be used for any other purpose. Approval for any form of advertising or promotion not directly related to club activities or general club information must be granted by the club committee.
The Club Newsletter is for the private and confidential use of Club members and is not to be used for any other purpose. Approval for any form of advertising or promotion not directly related to club activities or general club information must be granted by the club committee.
Newsletter Editor: Andrew Little