Newsletter No. 17 - February 2018
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President's Report

Ian Roberts President
Welcome to the Newsletter for February 2018.
February marks the end of our Club year for this year. Normally we would have the AGM in March, but we brought it forward to February to cater for the timing of the cruise. At the AGM, we need to:
Both the Annual Report and the Annual Financial Statements are available on the website. We have not yet received the Audit Report, but we expect it to be available this week. It will be loaded to the website when it is received.
We have now received confirmation of our meeting bookings for the 2018 calendar year. All meetings will be held in the Redgum Hall except for April when we have the Ironbark Hall. This meeting will be held a week earlier than normal because our normal meeting day happens to fall on Anzac Day.
It’s good to see the activities back into full swing now that we are past the Christmas and holiday seasons. The activities are the lifeblood of the Club and they provide the occasions to realise the main purpose of the Club which is to provide Fun, Fellowship and Friendship.
February marks the end of my period as President. It has been quite a journey from our foundation meeting in July 2016 to our current position. However, it has been a journey that I have very much enjoyed – from the uncertainties of starting a new Club and whether we would be able to reach a workable number of members, to now where we have an active cap on member numbers and 22 Activity Groups to support members.
None of that can be achieved without the valuable support, help and assistance from some very dedicated people. I would like to sincerely thank each and every Committee member for their ideas, drive and enthusiasm in setting the forward ambitions for the Club, and the Activity Leaders who make it happen. They have been tireless in applying their initiative and determination in organising various activities for the members’ enjoyment and participation. I believe the Club is in a sound position structurally and financially and has a strong culture that will enable it to move forward positively. In particular, however, I would like to specially thank Tony Coote for his support during this period – it has been invaluable.
Remember, as always, if you have any ideas or suggestions, please contact any of the Committee and let them know.
I look forward to seeing you again at the next meeting.
Ian Roberts
Welcome to the Newsletter for February 2018.
February marks the end of our Club year for this year. Normally we would have the AGM in March, but we brought it forward to February to cater for the timing of the cruise. At the AGM, we need to:
- Receive the Annual Report, the Annual Financial Accounts and the Audit report
- Elect the Committee for the forthcoming year
- Approve the annual fees and membership numbers for the forthcoming year
- Appoint an Auditor and the Public Officer.
Both the Annual Report and the Annual Financial Statements are available on the website. We have not yet received the Audit Report, but we expect it to be available this week. It will be loaded to the website when it is received.
We have now received confirmation of our meeting bookings for the 2018 calendar year. All meetings will be held in the Redgum Hall except for April when we have the Ironbark Hall. This meeting will be held a week earlier than normal because our normal meeting day happens to fall on Anzac Day.
It’s good to see the activities back into full swing now that we are past the Christmas and holiday seasons. The activities are the lifeblood of the Club and they provide the occasions to realise the main purpose of the Club which is to provide Fun, Fellowship and Friendship.
February marks the end of my period as President. It has been quite a journey from our foundation meeting in July 2016 to our current position. However, it has been a journey that I have very much enjoyed – from the uncertainties of starting a new Club and whether we would be able to reach a workable number of members, to now where we have an active cap on member numbers and 22 Activity Groups to support members.
None of that can be achieved without the valuable support, help and assistance from some very dedicated people. I would like to sincerely thank each and every Committee member for their ideas, drive and enthusiasm in setting the forward ambitions for the Club, and the Activity Leaders who make it happen. They have been tireless in applying their initiative and determination in organising various activities for the members’ enjoyment and participation. I believe the Club is in a sound position structurally and financially and has a strong culture that will enable it to move forward positively. In particular, however, I would like to specially thank Tony Coote for his support during this period – it has been invaluable.
Remember, as always, if you have any ideas or suggestions, please contact any of the Committee and let them know.
I look forward to seeing you again at the next meeting.
Ian Roberts
Cathy Turner & Sue Calabrese
Correspondence for November General Meeting
Correspondence In
Active Retires Magazine Received. The copy will be available at the next meeting.
Annual Return Forms received from PSPL requiring Capitation information, Committee members update information and membership information for the Active Retirees magazine.
Promotional Information forwarded on to Glenda the Activities leader.
Membership enquiries and resignations forwarded on to the Membership Officer.
Correspondence Out
Nothing to report.
Details of the Probus Member Benefit Scheme are at:
(click on link)
Correspondence for November General Meeting
Correspondence In
Active Retires Magazine Received. The copy will be available at the next meeting.
Annual Return Forms received from PSPL requiring Capitation information, Committee members update information and membership information for the Active Retirees magazine.
Promotional Information forwarded on to Glenda the Activities leader.
Membership enquiries and resignations forwarded on to the Membership Officer.
Correspondence Out
Nothing to report.
Details of the Probus Member Benefit Scheme are at:
(click on link)
Treasurer’s Report for January 2018
General Account for January 2018
Opening Cash Balance 1-Jan-18 $4,711.86
Total Deposits $60.00 error: transfer to Activities
Payments nil
Closing Cash Balance as at 31-Jan-18 $4,771.86
Activities Account for January 2018
Opening Cash Balance 1-Jan-18 $3,071.22
Total Deposits $640.00 Cronulla trip ($550), next lunch ($90)
Payments -$2,183.85 MommaMia
Closing Cash Balance as at 31-Jan-18 $1,527.37
Activities as at 12-Feb-18: Receipts Expense Balance
TAFE dinner $595.00 $0.00 $595.00
Museum trip $150.00 $0.00 $150.00
Lunch – Fig $500.00 $0.00 $500.00
Mt Tomah $24.00 $0.00 $24.00
Mama Mia $2,713.00 $2,183.85 $529.15
Misc. (interest+surplus) $327.82
Bank Balance: $1,982.37
There are no unpresented cheques, so bank balances equal cash balances
The General account had one payment meant for Activities account (now fixed).
MammaMia and Mt Tomah (cancelled) should have been closed. I will resolve these when I return from vacation.
The three activities in process are Lunch for next meeting, Museum visit and TAFE dinner.
Paul Hendry advises that the audit and report will be completed by 18th February, in time to present at the AGM on 28th Feb2018.
Bob Davison - Treasurer
13th February 2018
General Account for January 2018
Opening Cash Balance 1-Jan-18 $4,711.86
Total Deposits $60.00 error: transfer to Activities
Payments nil
Closing Cash Balance as at 31-Jan-18 $4,771.86
Activities Account for January 2018
Opening Cash Balance 1-Jan-18 $3,071.22
Total Deposits $640.00 Cronulla trip ($550), next lunch ($90)
Payments -$2,183.85 MommaMia
Closing Cash Balance as at 31-Jan-18 $1,527.37
Activities as at 12-Feb-18: Receipts Expense Balance
TAFE dinner $595.00 $0.00 $595.00
Museum trip $150.00 $0.00 $150.00
Lunch – Fig $500.00 $0.00 $500.00
Mt Tomah $24.00 $0.00 $24.00
Mama Mia $2,713.00 $2,183.85 $529.15
Misc. (interest+surplus) $327.82
Bank Balance: $1,982.37
There are no unpresented cheques, so bank balances equal cash balances
The General account had one payment meant for Activities account (now fixed).
MammaMia and Mt Tomah (cancelled) should have been closed. I will resolve these when I return from vacation.
The three activities in process are Lunch for next meeting, Museum visit and TAFE dinner.
Paul Hendry advises that the audit and report will be completed by 18th February, in time to present at the AGM on 28th Feb2018.
Bob Davison - Treasurer
13th February 2018
Lynne Henderson & Kim Nichols – Membership Officers
Please remember to notify the membership officers Lynne Henderson or Kim Nichols if you will be absent for an extended period of time, or if your personal details change.
For any membership issues please contact Lynne or Kim or please email the Membership Officer at [email protected]
Please remember to notify the membership officers Lynne Henderson or Kim Nichols if you will be absent for an extended period of time, or if your personal details change.
For any membership issues please contact Lynne or Kim or please email the Membership Officer at [email protected]
Risk, Safety and Insurance
Colin McGowan - Risk Management Officer
Nothing to report this month.
Nothing to report this month.
Guest Speaker - No Guest Speaker Due To AGM Meeting
Guest speaker at the March meeting is Brian Powyer speaking on Australian History
Sue Hackett & Donna Fraser
Marilyn Savic – Welfare Officer
It is important, as members of Probus that we care for the welfare of one another.
Anyone with information about an illness, bereavement or physical disability affecting a member please advise me, in order for me to make contact, and offer moral or physical support where appropriate.
Please be assured that all information provided will remain completely confidential.
It is important, as members of Probus that we care for the welfare of one another.
Anyone with information about an illness, bereavement or physical disability affecting a member please advise me, in order for me to make contact, and offer moral or physical support where appropriate.
Please be assured that all information provided will remain completely confidential.