Newsletter No. 13 - September 2017
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President's Report
Ian Roberts President
Welcome to the Newsletter for September 2017.
Spring is here and I am looking forward to some warmer weather. These southerlies fresh from the Antarctic really dampen enthusiasm.
After several members raised the issue of parking at the Community Centre, Andrew Little followed up with a number of people at the Community Centre and the Hornsby Council – all to no avail. I wrote to the Mayor (copied to the local MP) on 24th August outlining the issue and proposing some solutions.
At this stage, I have heard nothing from the Council to either acknowledge that the letter has been received or indicating that they are considering the matter. I called the Council on Thursday to check on progress but I suspect there may be some disruption following the local government elections last weekend and the election of a new Mayor. I will continue to follow it through.
PSPL has divided the Clubs into “clusters”. We are in Cluster 5. The purpose of the cluster groups is to share ideas between the various clubs especially around membership and to assist those clubs which are experiencing difficulties attracting members. The first meeting of Cluster 5 was held last Tuesday 12th September. Unfortunately, I had come down with a bad cold and was not able to attend. However, the Minutes of the meeting will be available soon and I will be able to give more information at the next meeting.
The purpose of Probus is to provide Fun, Fellowship and Friendship for the members. It has been another great month for activities. Our Club has a large number of activities for everyone to enjoy and participate in, and a great group of people. The more you participate and join in the activities, the more you will get out of the Club and the fun that fellowship and friendship provides.
Remember, as always, if you have any ideas or suggestions, please contact any of the Committee and let them know.
I look forward to seeing you again at the next meeting.
Ian Roberts
Welcome to the Newsletter for September 2017.
Spring is here and I am looking forward to some warmer weather. These southerlies fresh from the Antarctic really dampen enthusiasm.
After several members raised the issue of parking at the Community Centre, Andrew Little followed up with a number of people at the Community Centre and the Hornsby Council – all to no avail. I wrote to the Mayor (copied to the local MP) on 24th August outlining the issue and proposing some solutions.
At this stage, I have heard nothing from the Council to either acknowledge that the letter has been received or indicating that they are considering the matter. I called the Council on Thursday to check on progress but I suspect there may be some disruption following the local government elections last weekend and the election of a new Mayor. I will continue to follow it through.
PSPL has divided the Clubs into “clusters”. We are in Cluster 5. The purpose of the cluster groups is to share ideas between the various clubs especially around membership and to assist those clubs which are experiencing difficulties attracting members. The first meeting of Cluster 5 was held last Tuesday 12th September. Unfortunately, I had come down with a bad cold and was not able to attend. However, the Minutes of the meeting will be available soon and I will be able to give more information at the next meeting.
The purpose of Probus is to provide Fun, Fellowship and Friendship for the members. It has been another great month for activities. Our Club has a large number of activities for everyone to enjoy and participate in, and a great group of people. The more you participate and join in the activities, the more you will get out of the Club and the fun that fellowship and friendship provides.
Remember, as always, if you have any ideas or suggestions, please contact any of the Committee and let them know.
I look forward to seeing you again at the next meeting.
Ian Roberts
Cathy Turner & Sue Calabrese
Correspondence for September General Meeting
Correspondence In
Nothing to report
Correspondence Out
Nothing to report
Details of the Probus Member Benefit Scheme are at:
(click on link)
Correspondence for September General Meeting
Correspondence In
Nothing to report
Correspondence Out
Nothing to report
Details of the Probus Member Benefit Scheme are at:
(click on link)
Treasurer’s Report
General Account for August 2017
Opening Cash Balance 1-Aug-17 $5,614.40
Total Deposits $0.00
Payments -$137.33 Morning tea, folder, bell
Transfer to Activities -$252.00 Deposit in error
Closing Cash Balance as at 31-Aug-17 $5,225.07
Activities Account for July 2017
Opening Cash Balance 1-Jul-17 $19,295.70
Total Deposits $1,869.00
Payments -$17,658.88 Berry trip, Barangaroo, Opal, Woolwich
Closing Cash Balance as at 31-Jul-17 $3,502.82
Activities as at 14-Sep-17: Receipts Expense Balance
Chicago $456.00 $0.00 $456.00
Xmas Lunch Berowra $1,305.00 $0.00 $1,305.00
Books Outing $100.00 $100.00 $100.00
Bamiyan Afghan Restaurant $730.00 -$730.00 $0.00 Closed
Melb Cup $1,528.00 -$1,311.00 $217.00
Opal Newcastle $2,250.00 -$2,250.00 $0.00
Barangaroo Tour $440.00 -$440.00 $0.00 Closed
Woolwich Pier Hotel Lunch $930.00 -$930.00 $0.00 Closed
Xmas in July (Berowra) $1,838.00 -$1,833.00 $5.00 Closed
Berry $15,886.00 -$15,865.88 $20.12 Closed
Misc. (interest+surplus) $302.70
Bank Balance: $2,450.82
The General account continues to meet running costs and is healthy.
The Xmas in July boat deposit of $200 was paid giving a surplus of $5. (closed).
The final receipts/payments for Berry trip were concluded giving a surplus of $20.12. (closed)
Woolwich Pier Hotel lunch reimbursed all participants their deposited amounts. (closed)
Barangaroo tour reimbursed the participants half and paid the tour operator. (closed)
The Bamiyan Afghan Restaurant also had an expected break even. (closed)
The Opal trip to Newcastle has paid the hotel, but I will hold open until after the event.
The remaining activities are to be held in the future.
The August 2017 cash book and Bank Transactions spreadsheets will be in the drop box when I can place them there (internet in Noumea is limited).
Bob Davison - Treasurer
14th September 2017
Opening Cash Balance 1-Aug-17 $5,614.40
Total Deposits $0.00
Payments -$137.33 Morning tea, folder, bell
Transfer to Activities -$252.00 Deposit in error
Closing Cash Balance as at 31-Aug-17 $5,225.07
Activities Account for July 2017
Opening Cash Balance 1-Jul-17 $19,295.70
Total Deposits $1,869.00
Payments -$17,658.88 Berry trip, Barangaroo, Opal, Woolwich
Closing Cash Balance as at 31-Jul-17 $3,502.82
Activities as at 14-Sep-17: Receipts Expense Balance
Chicago $456.00 $0.00 $456.00
Xmas Lunch Berowra $1,305.00 $0.00 $1,305.00
Books Outing $100.00 $100.00 $100.00
Bamiyan Afghan Restaurant $730.00 -$730.00 $0.00 Closed
Melb Cup $1,528.00 -$1,311.00 $217.00
Opal Newcastle $2,250.00 -$2,250.00 $0.00
Barangaroo Tour $440.00 -$440.00 $0.00 Closed
Woolwich Pier Hotel Lunch $930.00 -$930.00 $0.00 Closed
Xmas in July (Berowra) $1,838.00 -$1,833.00 $5.00 Closed
Berry $15,886.00 -$15,865.88 $20.12 Closed
Misc. (interest+surplus) $302.70
Bank Balance: $2,450.82
The General account continues to meet running costs and is healthy.
The Xmas in July boat deposit of $200 was paid giving a surplus of $5. (closed).
The final receipts/payments for Berry trip were concluded giving a surplus of $20.12. (closed)
Woolwich Pier Hotel lunch reimbursed all participants their deposited amounts. (closed)
Barangaroo tour reimbursed the participants half and paid the tour operator. (closed)
The Bamiyan Afghan Restaurant also had an expected break even. (closed)
The Opal trip to Newcastle has paid the hotel, but I will hold open until after the event.
The remaining activities are to be held in the future.
The August 2017 cash book and Bank Transactions spreadsheets will be in the drop box when I can place them there (internet in Noumea is limited).
Bob Davison - Treasurer
14th September 2017
Lynne Henderson & Kim Nichols – Membership Officers
Please remember to notify the membership officers Lynne Henderson or Kim Nichols if you will be absent for an extended period of time, or if your personal details change.
For any membership issues please contact Lynne or Kim or please email the Membership Officer at [email protected]
Please remember to notify the membership officers Lynne Henderson or Kim Nichols if you will be absent for an extended period of time, or if your personal details change.
For any membership issues please contact Lynne or Kim or please email the Membership Officer at [email protected]
Risk, Safety and Insurance
Colin McGowan - Risk Management Officer
There are a few members who have not returned the 2017 Risk Authority emailed on 3rd June. They are requested to do so immediately. This is an essential part of the insurance program for our members and is a pre-requisite in the event that you make a claim.
Please download the Risk Authority form here and get it back to Colin McGowan as soon as possible.
There are a few members who have not returned the 2017 Risk Authority emailed on 3rd June. They are requested to do so immediately. This is an essential part of the insurance program for our members and is a pre-requisite in the event that you make a claim.
Please download the Risk Authority form here and get it back to Colin McGowan as soon as possible.
Guest Speaker - Local firefighter on preparation for the bushfire season
Sue Hackett & Donna Fraser
Marilyn Savic – Welfare Officer
It is important, as members of Probus that we care for the welfare of one another.
Anyone with information about an illness, bereavement or physical disability affecting a member please advise me, in order for me to make contact, and offer moral or physical support where appropriate.
Please be assured that all information provided will remain completely confidential.
It is important, as members of Probus that we care for the welfare of one another.
Anyone with information about an illness, bereavement or physical disability affecting a member please advise me, in order for me to make contact, and offer moral or physical support where appropriate.
Please be assured that all information provided will remain completely confidential.